Chapter 2

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Lilisa was still unconscious in the woods. Her horse was long gone now and so were her parents. As she was out cold, on the ground, someone was walking over to her. At first the steps remained slow and at the same pace, but after a while they quickened over to her. She was picked up off the ground gently, and was carried away from where she fell.

Hours Later

Lilisa's eyes were moving a little bit, until they finally opened. Lilisa was lying in a bed, tucked in with blankets. The sun was shinning through two doors that were open. She slowly got out of the bed and walked to the doors. She was in some kind of elvish kingdom. She didn't know what happened after she fell. She didn't know where her horse was, or what happened to her parents.

Soon the bed room door opened, an elvish guard came walking in.

"Your awake." said the elf.

Lilisa did not reply or say anything to the elf stranger. She didn't know who he was. She remembered her mother saying to go somewhere safe, bit she didn't know if this was it.

"My name is Bellimior. I serve Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn." explained Bellimior.

She still remained quiet, but she did know what he said. Bellimior held out his hand to Lilisa, waiting for her to take hold of it. She slowly held out her hand and then took hold of his. The elf walked with Lilisa down some steps. They stopped in a large room. They stood before two elves. Bellimior kneeled on one knee and said, "Hir vuin (my lord) and hiril vuin (my lady)."

"Rise Bellimior." said Lady Galadriel.

Lilisa just stood by Bellimior's side. She didn't know what was going on, or who they were.

"My lady and lord, this is the young girl who I found just outside of the kingdom." presented Bellimior.

Lilisa looked at the lady and lord, who were sitting on their chairs. They didn't speak for a couple of minutes. Lilisa just held Bellimior's hand. The lady stood up and walked down the steps to Lilisa. She bent down to her height and smiled. Lilisa smiled back. The lady's smile was quite welcoming and made Lilisa feel safe again.

"Henig, man esselya na (My child, what is your name)?" asked the Lady.

"Ma istanyel (Do I know you)?" asked Lilisa, not answering the question.

The elf smiled at Lilisa. "No but I would like to know you." responded the elf.

"My name is Lilisa." answered Lilisa.

The elf smiled at Lilisa before she looked up at Bellimior. Lilisa was very curious to what was going on. She wanted to know what happened to her parents, so she asked a question.

"Manna ada and nana (Where is my father and mother)?" asked Lilisa.

"Your parents can no longer be with you, Lilisa." answered Galadriel.

Lilisa was confused, but sort of knew what that meant. Just as she was about to come out from being shy, they explain to her what happened. After that she didn't want to step out of her of her shy shell. The lady elf called upon another lady elf to take Lilisa out of the room. Lilisa left the room, wondering what they were going to do with her. She was only a young elf without a family. She wasn't dangerous, she was simply without a family and a home.

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