Lee nodded to me and I stood up. “I’ll go.”

            The nurse led me down the hall to his room and I quickly sent Ryan a text, telling him that Ashton was awake. “How bad are his injuries?” I asked slowly, afraid of the answer.

            The nurse smiled sympathetically. “He didn’t break any bones except for his wrist, but he cut open his head and has a severe concussion. There wasn’t any brain damage in the scans we ran, so we are hopeful that his mental condition is intact. If you notice anything off though, please inform myself or another doctor immediately.” I nodded and slowly opened the door to Ashton’s room.

            The first thing I noticed was the brightness of the room. The sun was pouring in through the open blinds and the walls and floor seemed to be glowing. My eyes quickly found Ashton lying in the bed, covered in blankets. He had IVs and wires poked into his arms, a tube connected to his nose, and bloodied gauze around his head.

            As I drew closers, I saw that his eyes were closed. He must have fallen back asleep. I turned to leave, but a low coughing noise made me quickly spin back around.

            Ashton’s eyes fluttered open as he wheezed and coughed. I stared at him in alarm and was about to go get a nurse when he stopped. His eyes searched the room, not seeming to focus, until he finally noticed me.

            “Evelyn?” He asked shakily, his voice raspy and hoarse. “Water?”

            I nodded, walking over to the little sink in the room. A stack of plastic pink cups sat beside it, so I quickly filled it up and brought it to Ashton.

            “Here,” I brought the cup to his lips and he parted them, greedily drinking the water. I felt so bad for him, he was so helpless and vulnerable right now.

            After he drank the rest of the water, I set it down on the bedside table.

            “Why are you here?” He asked slowly; as if he was trying to figure out the words to say.

            I felt something stab at my heart. He didn’t want me to be here. I shouldn’t have came. “I w-wanted to see if you were alright,” I stuttered, looking down at him. “I can leave though.” I was about to walk away when he feebly grabbed my hand.

            “No, stay.” He whispered. I grabbed a nearby chair and dragged it to the side of the bed.

            “Okay,” I told him, my hand still held in his. “How are you feeling?” He didn’t seem like he was confused and he remembered my name, so that seemed like a good sign.

            “Evie,” he started, looking at me sadly. “I’m sorry. I’m really, really sorry. I was an asshole-”

            “No, shh. I understand,” I interrupted. I didn’t want him to strain himself and he looked like he was having trouble speaking.

            “Please, I need to tell you.” Ashton coughed for a few seconds before continuing. “I’m sorry I was an asshole to you. I really fucked up, Evie.”

            My eyes filled with tears again as I watched him struggle with his words. Damn, I didn’t want to cry in front of him.

            “I wish I could go back and undo it, Evie, but I can’t.” Ashton looked up at me hopefully. “Please, if you could forgive me then I will-”

            “Of course I forgive you,” I interrupted him again, this time with a smile.

            “Really?” Ashton’s eyes lit up at my words. “And not just because I almost died? You really do forgive me?”

The Pretend BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now