Fifty Shades of Allana - II

Start from the beginning

" The woman who gave me birth left without sparing a second glance at my face. If my own blood didn't want me how can I believe a heartthrob like you to stay with me ?"She asks me vociferously.

Circles. We are always going around in circles. Her inability to trust because of the doleful ending to her convoluted relationship with her mother is affecting her more than she portrays. She is entangled in the webs of her past which is preventing her to move ahead in her present. It's harming her, its harming us. If there's anyone who needs to let go in practicality it is her, she needs to let go of her past before it destructs her future. She needs to leave her agonizing memories behind and help me create new ones with her. She cannot expect me to ease her heartache by doubting my feelings for her. She has to trust me. Saying she trusts me is not enough, she needs to believe in me in the same manner she has made me believe in her.

"That same woman took her last breath with you being the only person on her mind. I agree that her choices were narcissistic but you cannot deny that she loved you with all her heart. She loved you too much to not let you witness her grief-stricken state caused by cancer. She did not want you to be scarred with the images of her lying in pain on bed awaiting her death. I understand how you feel, I empathize with the sting of betrayal and abandonment you felt when she left but my love you need to think beyond your pain as well. Stop berating over your past and comparing every single relationship in your life with your haunting past."

Her lips quivers as fresh tears stream down her cheeks, " Baby girl I can only ease the pain in your heart when you let me tend to you. Your mother loved you Allana , I know she made a mistake. We all make bad choices but it's important to learn to move on. Tell me baby how can you be happy when you cloud your mind with unhappy thoughts?" She looks at me incoherent to formulate a reply.

"She wants you to be happy, she is watching you from above. Forgive your mother Allana because she never left you, she is still with you residing in your heart. She spent fifteen years of her life in raising you, aren't you being selfish in holding her one choice over everything she has done for you ?

She whimpers , nodding her head wistfully.

" I never met her but I can assure you that she must've been a gallant woman because she gave birth to an angel like you. Make your peace with her baby girl. Nobody's perfect we are human after all." I say stroking her cheek tenderly.

" You are perfect Zayn." She says kissing my cheek. "I will try harder , I promise you. I don't even understand how do you manage to put up with a difficult girl like me. Sometimes I feel like I am one step closer to being one step far from you. Everybody wants you Zayn and I fear losing you. I am so messed in my head which leads me to behave so abrasively."

I am certain she has sobered significantly and glad that we aren't locking horns with each other anymore.

Cupping her cheek I say, " Baby I will always be there for you. All I ever want is the truth from you. Infinity and beyond ....---"

"—You and me." She completes my statement, tiptoeing and molding her lips with mine.

When I kiss her, the world stops moving, time freezes, my mind shuts down and it's just the feel of her plump lips against mine. My hands move down resting on her derriere as we explore each other's mouth, pouring out the passion in our hearts in this kiss. She runs her fingers through my scalp, rounding her arms on my neck.

Panting we break away for air, our chests heaving. A blush stains her cheek as I grin staring at her impeccable beauty.

" I am hungry." She mumbles.

I laugh softly, guiding her to the bed and handing her the bag of cookies. As she munches on the chocolate chip cookies, I apply spray on her sprained ankle wrapping it in a crape bandage. Hopefully, by morning her sprain would heal since it's a minor one.

Because she made me believe (ZAYN MALIK)Where stories live. Discover now