“Dumbass” He grumbled walking past me and shook Chase’s hand. “Welcome back”

Now it was all on me, remember where the experiment labs where. And find Eve. She of course was no help she just kept blathering on and on about some other mutant we’re supposed to get as well. Blah, blah, blah. That’s all I heard and by the sound of it Chase and Dylan could hear her as well. I ran down one hallway then changed my mind, running back I passed by them. Dylan reached out and grabbed my tail, hissing loudly I glared at him. Dylan pointed to the hall I just came from, “Eve says down there, moron” Still glaring at him,  I looked at my tail which he was still had in an iron grip of death, Dylan let go rubbing his head. Running back down the hall I just came from, I sniffed the air. Nothing, it smells like bleach. Making gagging noises, I knelt over. This is hard work, ‘hey come on let’s go! Move it!’ Eve yelled at me.  I got up, and covered my nose, this is when highened senses betray you, Dylan and Chase had caught up by then and were giving me funny looks. God the stench of bleach is overwhelming down here. Making gagging noises as we went, I didn't really care about the whole, quiet or get caught.

                “God this smells!” I whined, knelt down to examine the lock. Eve said to give her a second and she would open the door, I heard Chase and Dylan stop behind me. Looking back over my shoulder at them, I made a face. “Do you two smell that?” I asked. They both shook their heads in unison, groaning again, I looked back at the lock. It was one of those finger print scanner ones; I wondered how Eve would get it open. There was a beep and a puff of smoke came from it, I reached up and grabbed the handle. The door actually open, it was in this point in time I wanted Eve’s powers. Carefully pushing the door open, before us was a lab room. Operating table and all, there were several tables covered with papers. Chase moved straight to them, “There’s a computer. I’ll see if I can get in. Go find Eve.”

Another door was on the back wall, after making sure the lab door was shut again, I began kicking at the key lock. After several tries It broke and opened, the smell of bleach hit me like a ton of bricks. Lowering my ears again, I ran my hand along the wall for a light switch. As a blinding light filled the room, Dylan moved to look over my shoulder. ”Well there she is” He said pointing to a pod in the corner, the little window you could see through was too high off the ground for me.

                “Lift me up” I asked Dylan, he gave me a sheepish look. “I’m not heavy you know that!” I was sort of insulted I’m not heavy, well at least I think I’m not. I glared at him and Dylan sighed, he scooped me up bridal style. “This is not what I meant!” He smiled at me, I flicked him in the nose, and “You’re not funny!”

‘Come on, love birds not getting any younger in here!’ Eve barked, I growled under my breathe, getting out of Dylan’s arms, I crossing the room, I looked at the tank, “So Eve how come you just don’t let yourself out?” Dylan shuffled over to the other tank in the corner, ‘Because I’m not just going to let myself out with all the lab monkeys around that’d be stupid and where would I hide at?. Look it’s not that hard go over to that desk. And hit on the key board alt, d, and nine and that’ll be that. We’ll begin to wake up” Doing just like she said, I hit the keys on the key board. Waiting nothing happened, there was a loud beep and smoke came from the tanks bottom, Dylan jumped, “What the hell did you do!” He yelled, I grinned as the blue-ish liquid drained from Eve’s tank.

                “Calm down, Dylan. She told me to do it” I looked at the mechanism on the tanks door that held it shut. It was a simple latch, pulling it open, liquid spilled out onto the floor, pushing it open there was Eve. Nude, covered in blue goop. But there she was, I pulled the electrodes from her and took off the oxygen mask, she slumped forward and fell onto me. Oh god Eve was heavy, struggling to keep her from squishing me, “A little help here!”

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