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Harry was strolling through the hallway of Beacon Hills High School and he was loving life. He was not an extremely popular junior but he was not a complete loser either. Harry may have had a good life but there was one thing that he never told anyone...

He likes boys..

Harry might not have been very book smart, but he was smart enough to know that if anyone found out about his certain "preference", it would be social suicide.

Harry had small meaningless crushes on a bunch of people, but there was only one boy that he really, really liked. He was in his Chemistry class and he was super smart.

He had blond hair and the most beautiful blue eyes that Harry had ever seen in his 17 years of existence.

His name was Niall Horan. 

Harry had liked him since 4th grade, but he would never talk to Niall. Niall was not a very popular person. He was a loser, and as bad as it sounds, Harry did not want to be a loser by association.

However, he could still love Niall from behind closed doors, with no one knowing. No one knew Harry liked Niall and no one even knew Harry was gay. There was only one person that knew Harry was gay and that he had the biggest crush in the world on a guy that probably didn't even know his name.

His cousin Liam.

Harry trusted Liam with everything. He told him all of his secrets. Liam never told anyone else anything Harry told him because he loved Harry. Harry was like a brother to Liam. When Harry's sister Gemma died when he was 8 from cancer, Harry had no one. Especially when his parents got divorced. So Liam was always there for Harry, because he knew how badly Harry needed someone.

Harry was walking through the hallway and stopped at his locker. He was trying to find his Chemistry book. He couldn't find it in his small locker, which got him frustrated. He continued to search until he heard someone walk up behind him.

"HAZZA!!!" The person said.

"Hey Liam." Harry said to his cousin with a smile. Things were awkward and quiet for a minute or two with no words being said, until Liam said something...

"Harry....I....I have something that I need to tell you and it's really important." he told Harry.

"What?" Harry asked. Liam was about to tell Harry what he needed to tell him when he got interrupted by his best friend Andy walking up to them.

"Hey Liam bud!" Andy looked over at Harry and broke out into a fit of laughter. "Oh HEY there faggot!!" Andy continued to laugh.

Harry's eyes could not have gotten any bigger than they were at that moment.

"W-w-what are you talking about?" Harry said to Andy. How did Andy find out about Harry being gay?

"Oh I know you're little secret Styles! Liam told me!" Andy said. Harry looked over at Liam with tears welling up in his eyes. Andy continued to laugh loudly and it was drawing a crowd. Andy was telling the crowd about Harry's secret, and soon, everyone was laughing.

"You w-what?" Harry asked his cousin, the only person he could trust in the world.

"I didn't mean to Harry I promise! They pressured me because they knew something was up with you! They are my best friends Harry I am so sorry!" Harry didn't want to hear anything that Liam had to say.

He took off at a run down the hallway, with the sounds of all of Liam's friends calling him gay names ringing in his ears.

"HARRY!!" Liam screamed.

Harry didn't look back..

He was running. He didn't know where, he was just following wherever his feet decided to take him.


Niall was sitting in the Library when he heard the commotion. A boy ran into the Library and crawled up into the far corner of the room and just sat there in a ball. Niall was not one to cause trouble but he wanted to make sure the boy sat crying in the corner was okay.

Niall got up from his seat at the table and walked over to the sobbing boy in the corner. The boy had brown curls and Niall could tell that the boy was rather tall even though he was sat on the ground.

Niall tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey. Are you okay?"

The boy looked up and Niall saw the most beautiful hazel eyes that he had ever seen. They were even more vibrant than they normally would have been because of the tears that were swimming around in them.

Harry took one look at Niall and his breath hitched in his throat. Not only was he shaking because he was sobbing but he was shaking because his long-life major crush was crouching in front of him asking him if he was okay.

"I-I-I-I'm fine. Thanks f-for asking." He stuttered. He was no nervous. Niall smiled down at Harry. Harry could have fainted right then and there.

"No problem Harry." And then Niall got up to leave.

"Wait!" Harry got up as well and walked over to Niall. "How do you know my name?" Harry had spent all of that time thinking that Niall didn't even know Harry existed, and here Niall was, calling Harry by his name.

Niall looked at Harry like he could not believe what Harry just asked. "We have Chemistry together. You sit two seats away from me.....duh." he said smiling. 'I wish we had chemistry' Harry sarcastically said to himself.

Then Niall walked away, leaving a tear stained Harry standing in the middle of the book section for romance novels alone.

Niall thought that was one of the cutest and most amazing looking boys he had ever seen. Niall was openly gay which was one reason why people didn't like him very much, along with the fact that he was pretty much a nerd.

However, Niall didn't know that Harry would start being homeschooled because of how bad the bullying would get for him, and that would be the last time he would see those lovely hazel eyes...

[A.N.] OMG HEYYY GUISE! so this is a fic that is being written by me (Emilee) and tommoLo (Charity)!! a collaboration! omg so exciting! so I am writing the prologue and chapter one! so I hope everyone likes them! I was actually supposed to upload chapter one tonight too but if you saw how tired I was right now at 2:30 am, you would tell me to go to bed HOPE YOU ENJOYED

BTW sorry the prologue is so was just meant to be an introduction as to basically where Niall and Harry's lives were. it was mainly meant to explain why harry was homeschooled and how he got outed......

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