Chapter 42- Stop It!

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Chapter 42

Stop it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and ideas.


Frea ran in the direction that Natsu and Gray's Energy Signature's had just drastically faded a minute ago, indicating they were either hurt badly, or knocked out. She stifled a wince as she moved her shoulders as she ran, the cut that Shadelocker had given her had been cut deeper than the others, but she ran anyway. One damn cut wasn't going to make her stop running. But she was forced to come to a stop as the ground started to tremble, she stared in shock as the top of the castle shortened and the entire city started to shift. Her head snapped up to where the very top of the castle had sunken in, as extremely large waves of pure power began to radiate over the city from the spot.

What the hell is going on?

"Frea!" Frea glanced up and quickly jumped out of the way of a large winged creature, and her jaw dropped to see Lucy riding it with a small girl. "Get on!" Lucy yelled at her and Frea quirked an eyebrow.

"You want me to get on that?" Frea asked and Lucy rolled her eyes.

"There's no time to argue, they're about to shoot the Dragon Chain Cannon into Extalia!" Lucy snapped and Frea reluctantly climbed on.

"I want some answers." Frea muttered, and she stiffened as the creature lifted off into the air. "Why aren't you a Lacrima? You're not a Dragon Slayer, and I am pretty sure you didn't show up when we saved Erza and Gray." Frea told her.

"Horologium passed through his Gate on his own and protected me from being sucked into the Anima." Lucy explained. "Mystogan sent me here."

"Alright... I can understand that. So where are we going? And what's with 'Extalia' and this 'Dragon Chain Cannon'?" Frea asked, her gaze switching over to the small girl riding the creature with them. "Whose that?"

"We're going to find Gray, Natsu and Erza." Lucy explained. "The Dragon Chain Cannon is a Magical device that is being powered by the Magic Energy that the Kingdom sucked out of Natsu and Wendy. The King is going to shoot it into the island that has the Lacrima made from Everyone in Magnolia on it, and direct the chain to make it crash into Extalia. Extalia is the floating kingdom of the Exceeds, Happy and Carla are Exceeds." Lucy continued to explain. "When the Lacrima crashes into Extalia, the magic power will infuse and rain down on Edolas to provide it with Eternal Magic Power." Lucy murmured. "That's Coco, and this is her Legion." Lucy said, patting the creature carrying them.

Frea stayed silent for a minute as she tried to let all the information sink in. When Frea simply stared for a long while without saying anything, Lucy and Coco exchanged a glance.

"You ok?" They both asked at the same time and Frea let out a soft sigh.

"Yeah... I think I understand." Frea murmured. "We have to find the others and find a way to stop the Lacrima from running into Extalia?" Frea asked and Lucy nodded. Frea sat up a little straighter and licked her thumb, wiping the blood off of her cheek where it had dripped down from the shallow cut on her cheek. "Then we need to hurry, that Dragon Chain Cannon is giving off an unbelievable amount of Magic Power."

Lucy and Coco nodded, and the small Edolas girl urged her Legion to go faster. All three of them stiffened as a huge chain launched out from the castle and latched on to the underneath of a floating island. Frea narrowed her eyes as she saw faint traces of powerful blood red Magic appear at the base of the chain, before she could feel it start to get closer and travel up.

Frea jumped to her feet, "Wait a minute! We need to stop, a very large wave of Magic is about-!" She tried to warn them but realized there was no time. Lifting both hands out to the side her Silver Magic surrounded the Legion in a dome shape. "Energy Sphere!"

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