Chapter 25- Stop the Killing

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Chapter 25

Stop the Killing

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and ideas


Frea walked toward the sound of water, leaving the town behind her. She could already smell the Dark Magic on the air and she narrowed her eyes, that means I'm getting closer to where the boy was attacked. Before too long, the river came into sight, along with the overwhelming scent of Dark Magic. She slowly walked up to the edge of the water and frowned down at the unmistakable stain of blood on the pebbles. Frea closed her eyes, breathing in deeply.

No doubt, it was the same mage, but the scent wasn't as strong here, probably due to the open air. It was also getting fainter, the Mage responsible wasn't anywhere near here. Frea raised her hands above her head in a stretch, keeping an eye on all her surroundings. This Mage... I cant pick up any human scent around here, besides the boys...

She narrowed her eyes, does that mean whoever is killing all these people... isn't Human?

Frea shook her head a little, trying to clear her thoughts. All killings, are the result of poisoning according to Wistar, but they all happened in random villages too. She let out a sigh,

That doesn't help me, they could just show up anywhere, and I wouldn't be able to find them... she thought in frustration. Frea clenched a fist and glared down at the water. Killing for no reason... its unforgivable!

She turned away from the river and headed back toward the town,

It doesn't matter how long it takes, I will do everything in my power, to stop the killing and defeat this Dark Wizard, she vowed silently.


Lucy sat down at the bar, talking with Wendy. The Guild was filled with conversation and laughter, but some of it subsided as a messenger bird flew in through the hall and Mira walked up to meet it.

"A letter from Ms. Frea." The bird explained, handing the letter over and flying back out. Mira opened the letter and read it quickly, her expression turning serious, she turned around and handed the letter to Master. Master Makarov read the letter over and sighed, Lucy tilted her head.

"What does it say?" Lucy asked and he glanced over at her.

"Frea wont be coming back for awhile, she's taking it upon herself to stop the recent killings committed by a Dark Mage." Master explained. Lucy's eyes widened, she had heard Rumors of killings around small towns, but never believed it would have been caused by a Mage.

"You don't think this Dark Mage will come here to Magnolia, do you?" Lucy turned to the small and slightly frightened voice of Wendy, giving her a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry Wendy, I'm sure if they did, everyone would protect each other." Lucy told her and let out an inaudible sigh, as Wendy seemed to be put at ease.

The rest of the Guild had started talking again, but this time their conversations floated around the topic of the killings. Lucy noticed Natsu looked rather grumpy and she gave him a confused look.

"I cant believe Frea gets to have all the fun taking down the Dark Mage..." She heard him mutter and he crossed his arms over his chest with a little huff. Lucy sweatdropped a little, not sure taking on a Dark Mage could count as fun. She looked away from him and sighed,

I hope Frea's careful, we only just got her back from thinking she was dead...

-Time Skip about a Month-

Frea sighed, looking down at the small funeral going on at the bottom of the hill she was standing on. Yet another murder, of a young girl no older than 15, and she hadn't been able to get to her in time to try and stop the attack from happening. In the past month she hadn't set one foot in Magnolia, constantly going from town to town, trying to catch anymore clues on this murderer. She closed her eyes, enjoying the cool breeze that blew.

At least she could say all her searching wasn't a complete failure, she was getting closer each time, and had even learned a bit of information on the Dark Mage. With the ever escalating murders, the New Magic Council had decided to step in finally. Not that they were any help, but at least they weren't trying to stop her in her efforts.

Probably realize that without my help, this Mage is never going to be caught...She thought with a small frown.

She could only assume their reputation was being hurt, considering the fact that most of Fiore was living in fear from this Mage, who had earned the name, 'Death Harbinger'. Frea scoffed at the name,whoever came up with that was just making things worse for everyone. Well, that wasn't her name, something she had learned from interrogating a rather small Dark Guild she had come across.

Her name was Senna, among the Dark Guilds she's known as, Senna the Poisoned. Fitting, considering she was a Master of Poison Magic, and a very powerful Mage. Even among the Dark Guilds and Mages, she was a rather feared Wizard. And as far as she could tell, Senna was rather fond of killing, and making people suffer. Frea had been trying to keep Master Makarov informed of what she was finding out, but she hadn't gotten around to it yet in the last few days.

The Death Toll, has risen to 34 people, all poisoned, all suffering for at least two days, before finally dying. Senna had even started killing in some of the more wealthy and larger towns, thankfully, Magnolia hadn't been targeted, yet. All of those who had been attacked, had died, no survivors, any attempt at a cure, either by conventional or magical means, had ultimately failed or made the situation worse.

Frea opened her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest, there was something to this poison though...something she couldn't quite put her finger on... What is it?



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