Chapter 12- The Celestial Key Maker

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Chapter 12

The Celestial Key Maker

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas


Frea opened her eyes and pushed herself into the sitting position, shaking the trailing darkness from her vision. What the hell happened...? Wait... that magic Circle... Her head snapped up to stare at the tall and slender woman with light brown hair and green eyes. She was wearing a pair of dark pants and black corset, numerous keys hung at her waist. Frea jumped to her feet and took a step back, her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"Who are you? Where have you taken me?" Frea growled and the woman raised and eyebrow,

"Such a disrespectful tone..." She hissed and Frea stiffened when her hand shot down and grabbed a dark blue key from her waist. "I shall have to teach you some manners!" The woman growled and Frea jumped back.

"Open, Gate of the Serpent; Eldritch!" The woman called and a very large black snake-like creature with white diamonds all over its body appeared before her. That's a big snake... Eldritch lunged, it's fangs coming straight for her. Frea jumped just before it got her and landed on top of its head. Frea jumped off of Eldritch and landed neatly in the ground. The snake turned toward her and lunged again, Frea went to jump away again but was pinned to the spot, Eldritch had wrapped its tail around her legs so fast she hadn't noticed.

Frea lifted her hands, starting to make a shield, Eldritch hit the shield but she hadn't made it fast enough, and the snake bit her arm. She gritted her teeth at the sharp pain, Eldritch lifted her into the air and threw her into a wall. Frea struggled to get back up, but managed to stand and glare at the snake.

"You gave me more of a fight the first time..." The woman hissed and Frea winced when the familiar pang of pain shot through her head. What the hell does she mean the first time? Eldritch lunged again and Frea forced herself to jump out of the way despite the pain that had spread throughout her entire body. She landed awkwardly and whipped around to face the snake that had run into the wall she had been standing in front of. The arm the snake had bitten had grown numb and she could feel the numbness spreading through her body.

"Tch... Silver Shade: Energy Trap!" She hissed and crouched down, placing her hand on the floor and pouring her Magic into it, forming a glowing silver circle around her. As soon as Eldritch reached the circle it exploded around him and he was forced back into the Spirit World. Frea staggered to her feet and grasped her arm, glaring defiantly at the woman.

"Open, Gate of the Fire Demon; Blaise!" The woman growled and a huge fiery red boar-like creature appeared in front of her. Blaise snorted and grey smoke rushed from his nostrils before he charged, the numbness had taken affect over most of Frea's body, it was hard to move. One of Blaise's huge tusks sent her flying and she landed hard, she shot one last look of hatred at the woman before she gave into the darkness.


The next time Frea woke up the numbness had passed, but her arm still sent waves of pain through her. Frea's hands were bound behind her back and she was seated in a chair, the floor underneath her was some sort of huge black magic circle. She looked at the woman who had her eyes closed and hands out in front of her, palms open to face the floor.

"It would have been more bearable if you had stayed unconscious..." The woman murmured and Frea narrowed her eyes.

"Who are you!?" She demanded and the woman sighed.

"The seal I placed on your memories is still working, or you would already know the answer to your question." She murmured and Frea stiffened, seal... on my memories...? "But I'll tell you, my name is Kasumi, I am the Celestial Key Maker." Kasumi murmured.

"What are you gonna do? Turn me into a key?" Frea growled and Kasumi shook her head.

"Not you, rather those two Demons I sealed inside your body all those years ago." Kasumi replied, Frea's eyes widened. You put them in my body...? "Once I have turned them into Celestial Keys, assuming you're still alive, you'll be the first person I kill using my new keys." Kasumi said and smiled at the thought. Frea glared and winced at the pain in her arm, what is she talking about? Could she really have put Winter and Shadow's Souls into my body? And what does she mean when she says she sealed my memories?

"You... Your K aren't you?" Frea asked and Kasumi nodded, "What mission did I forget?" Frea asked and Kasumi opened her eyes, they were lit up in anger.

"The mission... The one I sent you on to destroy every member in Fairy Tail, but you didn't do it, so I'm going to destroy them using the two demons inside of you as Keys." Kasumi hissed, Frea widened her eyes, she wants to destroy Fairy Tail? "But I think that's enough talking, time to start." Kasumi muttered and stepped into the circle.

"Ultimate Maker Magic; Key Make!" Kasumi growled and the black light coming from the Magic Circle intensified. "Make; Gate of the Dark Demon and the Light Demon," Kasumi murmured and intense pain spread out all over Frea's body, she stopped herself from screaming. "Shadow and Winter!" Kasumi yelled and the pain intensified enough that Frea's vision began to blur and she couldn't stop herself from screaming out in pain any more.

She saw the two blurry silhouettes, one white, and one black appear in front of Kasumi and start to drain into the white and black keys that had appeared in her hands. The pain began to die away and Frea gasped in air, sweat rolling down her face, she frowned at the wide smile that had appeared on the Key Maker's face. Frea narrowed her eyes when Kasumi's smile turned into one of pure shock, something's wrong...

The black silhouette had begun to waver and move rapidly, the black key in Kasumi's hand broke in half and the white one did the same. Her spell failed!

Now both Shadow and Winter stood in front of the Key Maker, who had a look of pure fear on her face, "No... My spell has never failed before!" Kasumi stammered and Frea watched in horror as Shadow transformed into a giant jet black wolf and ate the Key maker whole. Winter disappeared and something inside Frea's head seemed to snap, and she grew rigid, her eyes becoming dim.

Kasumi's Memory Sealing Spell had been broken as soon as Shadow had killed her.


Really no excuse why I don't update this more, all the chapters are done its just a matter of posting them- with that being said, if you hate waiting, this story and the second one after it are all complete and you can read them on Look for a link on my user page~

Thanks for reading! Votes are appreciated and please comment! Thank you!

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