Fanfiction Rant

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It's been a month since I wrote in here. I guess a lot has happened...

There was a scare that the Overlord was back! Us ninja knew that Zane's sacrifice got rid of that little bugger forever, but as I've mentioned before, I seem to live in a world where the majority of people are, let me put this lightly, as dumb as rocks. Not that rocks are dumb, because that's part of Cole's element and Cole isn't stupid. Cole can actually be fairly intelligent when he tries...

          Argh, sorry for getting off topic. Focus. Anyway, so some hackers apparently thought it would be a good idea to imprint a virus into the main Ninjago computer network that simulates the Digital Overlord. It turned out to just be a couple of 30-year-old losers that still live in their parents' basements who thought it would be a good prank, but the whole country went into panic! We finally tracked them down,  though they had several hard-coded firewalls.  Zane is a pretty good hacker himself.

        After that happened, I realized that I missed working with technology, so I rebuilt my Samurai Mech with several new upgrades! My major obligation is still as the Water Ninja, but I convinced Sensei that he can't force me to completely abandon being Samurai X. I got Jay on my side, but Wu still wasn't happy with the decision until Zane supported me as well. Playing favorites, eh? Now I spend lots of time in the workshop and it's very satisfying. I don't get bored anymore! But it doesn't leave me too much spare time to write stuff.

With Fake Overlord and my triumphant return to being the Samurai, life has been hectic. Not to mention the everyday drama that seems to constantly follow me! I didn't think life could get any weirder.

I was wrong.

I discovered the Fans.

So, I don't know how it is where you're from, but here in Ninjago, us ninja are a big deal. We've saved everyone several times over, not to mention my teammates are a bunch of good-looking teen boys. Lloyd is the most popular, though Kai pulls in a close second, and Cole not very far behind. I guess we're kind of like Ninjago's One Direction.

I've always known we're famous. I've seen posters, t-shirts, replica Gi, along with other merchandise. But the thing I didn't know was what a big following we have ONLINE.

I found Fanfiction. I have nothing against it, but when it's written about someone you know, or even worse, YOU, it's creepy. Scratch that, it's downright disturbing! Besides that, everybody has us Ninja all wrong.

       First of all, my brother, the lovely  Kai. Yes, he is a flirt. Yes, he is very caring. But when he gives a random girl his number after saving her, she's not going to become the love of his life! Sheesh! Kai is not romantic. At ALL. His temper means he has trouble forming close relationships. Another thing people have wrong about Kai is everyone thinks he is a player. My brother is the most loyal person I know, and if he truly loves someone, he will never betray them like the fanfictions portray. A few more things. Kai does not smoke or do drugs. Kai has only had one official girlfriend in his life, and that is Skylor. Kai gets angry about everything, and he isn't sweet. He won't ask someone if they like him. He'll aggressively flirt until either the two kiss or the receiver of his affection rudely turns him down.

       Second, Lloyd. Lloyd is not confident, or a ladies' man. DEFINITELY not a ladies' man, because I'm not even sure if he gets attracted to girls. I've seen him give Kai plenty of looks. Which reminds me, Greenflame. Some fanfictions are spot-on, others WAY off. But that's another topic. Back to my main rant.  My green friend doesn't flirt with random girls he meets at the candy store or the comics shop! He never even has time to go to places like that anymore! Lloyd is very focused on training. Similar to what I did with Kai, here is a list of more things that are inaccurately portrayed. Lloyd would never make out with someone in Seven Minutes in Heaven because any mention of love embarrasses him to no end. He's never even kissed anyone! Lloyd is not flirty or showoffish, like Kai. Instead, he is kind, outgoing, selfless, and still young (and innocent, if you know what I mean.) !

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