FIVE || A New World of Possible Princes

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For some, middle school conjures up memories of embarrassing hairdos, awkward growing periods, and cringe-worthy social media status updates. And, alright, I wasn't exempt from either of those things. I wore too many sparkly green bobby pins, started wearing bras, and-since I was still banned from every social media site known to man-said a lot of cringe-worthy things out loud. But middle school was also where things started to change for Hugo and I. It was a light at the end of the dark tunnel that was elementary school.

The beauty of middle school? It was a fresh start.

There was only one public middle school in the area, whereas there were three elementary schools. When the transition from elementary to middle school came, all three elementary schools dumped their pre-teen graduates into one pool and waited to see who would sink and who would surface.

I intended to surface, and I was dragging Hugo up with me.

No longer would we carry the stigma's our old peers forced upon us, we were free. We would be among other students who had no idea of our past. Hugo would no longer be the quiet kid who stuttered when called on and sat on the bench watching everyone else during recess. I would no longer be the boy crazy Frog Girl. We would be two regular kids, just like everyone else.

I couldn't wait for summer to be over. I couldn't wait for the new life that was waiting for me, and the new boys. The only boy I saw all summer was Hugo.

And, I mean, Hugo was just Hugo.

A new world of Possible Princes awaited me. I daydreamed about the ways we would meet. Our eyes might meet from across the room in slow motion, I might drop my book and he'd help pick them up, we could hate each other and then get assigned to work on a class project together and fall in love despite the odds.

I couldn't wait to find out.

And, even though I barely slept the night before my first day, I bounced out of my bed at the first sound of my alarm, straightened my hair and pinned it away from my face with my favorite sparkly green bobby pins, and waited for Mrs. Guerra to pick me up.

That was the other exciting thing. Now Hugo and I were carpooling to school.

My stomach gurgled, but I was so nervous I feared eating would make me sick. I had to take deep, calming breaths as I waited for the red minivan to roll down the street.

After what felt like eternity, the Guerra minivan stopped in front of my house. I bounded down the sidewalk and hopped into the backseat beside Hugo. I was all smiles and bouncing knees, but Hugo was white faced and doe-eyed.

"Someone looks excited," Mrs. Guerra commented, her eyes meeting mine in the rearview mirror with a quick wink.

I nodded enthusiastically and jostled Hugo's arm. "Aren't you excited?" I asked.

His mouth opened for a second and then snapped shut, his face twisting. "I think...I might throw up," he finally managed to say.

"Pshhh." Maria turned in the passenger's seat to look at us. "Middle school is easy. You'll be just fine."

I grinned, believing her instantly, and looked to Hugo. He just frowned.

"Easy for you to say," he shot back. "Everyone loves you."

She waved a hand and faced forward. "Whatever, Hugo. Be dramatic, but you've got Ingrid."

My smile only grew wider. Nothing boosted my confidence more than Maria's approval. She was going to be a junior in high school-a popular junior in high school. Her words meant everything to me. If she thought I could get us through the day, then I knew I could.

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