65: public rendezvous

Start from the beginning

My phone starts to ring and I pick it up, glancing at the screen to see that it's Jane.

"Hey, I was going to call you in a bit," I say into the phone.

"What about?"

"Gigi wants to go to the first North American show."

"I'm on it. Where are you at right now?" Her voice is full of sarcasm. She knew exactly where I was and who I was with.

I hold in a laugh. "Oh, just shopping."

"Mhm. Yeah, okay...well, I hope you understand what you're doing. We can't push this June date."

"I know," I mumble. My management had complied with my departing in June. As long as I didn't make a huge deal of it and didn't trash their company.

"See you at rehearsals tomorrow morning, then."

"Bye, Jane." I hung up and stuck my phone back into my bag.

After a few more minutes of searching, I find a cute, tan, short sleeved, sweater material shirt and walk over to the line for the register. As I wait, I look around the store, trying to spot Harry. I ultimately find him looking at some shoes all the way in the back of the store. The only reason I'd found him was because he was so tall, and his bun stuck out on top of his head.

"Can I get a picture?" Someone taps on my shoulder from behind and I see a girl who looked to be in her early twenties.

I smiled. "Yeah, sure."

She held her phone out in front of us and we took a selfie.

"Next customer?"

The girl thanked me and I gave her another smile before walking up to the register. I pay for the clothing on my credit card, then took the bag and walked over to Harry. He was trying on a pair of boots.

"Don't you have ones like those?" I ask him. The color looked familiar.

"Yeah, but they have a hole at the bottom and it hurts my feet sometimes," he answers, struggling to get the boot he tried on off.

I wait patiently as he stuffs the boots back into its box and puts his own back on. I followed him over to the register, where he paid for his boots.

Afterwards, we walk over to the doors, where Robbie and Sal were waiting. The half a dozen or so paparazzi outside got louder. There were only a few fans.

Robbie stalls us for a second at the door. I take hold of Harry's hand and he just looks out the windows. The doors open and we make our way to the SUV parked on the side of the curb.

"Are you two together again?"

"Hey, Jess! Are you guys dating?"

"Come on...again?!"

"I thought you said no more guys!"

"Hey, man! How are you?"

"Jess! Look here!"

"In, in, in," Sal murmured, ushering Harry and I into the car.

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