*Bad Blood - Lolitha

69 2 1

Bad Blood - ❝Everything perishes eventually, Watson. Love ends, bonds break & blood turns bad.❞

16 year old Jenny Watson has decided enough is enough. She has finally grown tired of being compared to her parents, her classmates, her friends. Maybe, just maybe, London will be less judgmental.

Jenny thought a murder investigation would be fun. At first, she was right. But when the court charges the wrong man - while the true criminal roams the city - she must risk her freedom and her life.   

My Review - Your summary was really good. It makes the reader want to know more. Original plot, pint for that,

    Even the prologue was really interesting. Very well done on that. The of the prologue was good. I liked it a lot. Good work there. I had to vote for it.

   Chapter one was short and sweet. Quite alright. Not too bad.

   Overall, I think this will be a great story, so continue writing. Good luck!

My Score - 7/10.

Note - Give this story a read for its originality. It won't disappoint, it didn't disappoint me.





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