Chapter Six: Family

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Thank for all the viewers and those who voted this story.
I'm going to write a short continuing story of Sasuke x Sakura Cinderella as a gift for you guys.
Four years later:

A boy who was at the age of three running around the castle. His raven hair swayed and his emerald eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Mama!Papa!" He yelled and jumped on a woman's lap that was his mother. She had long light pink hair and emerald eyes that was wide open when her son jumped on her.

That's right the woman was Sakura Haruno or should I say Sakura Uchiha. It's been four years since she married her loving husband Sasuke Uchiha.

They had a son named Daisuke Uchiha. He had inherited his father's hairstyle and color while he inherited his mother's emerald eyes. Sasuke and Sakura loved him very much.

"What is it Daisuke?" Sakura asked her son while patting his head.

"Look I found this." He showed her a black stone. It was shiny as the sunshine hit its.

"It beautiful Daisuke ." Sakura smiled at her little boy.

"Papa can you play with me?" He asked his father as he was reading a book.

Sasuke closed the book and put it down on the coffee table. He stood up and picked up his son in his arms.

"Sure." He said and Daisuke hugged him.

Sakura just stared happily at her husband and son.

Later that afternoon, Daisuke, Sasuke and Sakura were in the garden where Sasuke and Sakura fell in love.

Sakura was sitting on a bench while watching Sasuke and Daisuke played football. Daisuke was great at football thanks to his father.

"Daisuke !Sasuke! It already dawn." Sakura called for them as they stopped playing and went to her side.

"Mama can we have a picnic tomorrow?" Daisuke pleaded his mother.

Sakura thought about it for a moment. 'a picnic sounds nice .' She nod and Daisuke jumped happily and he ran into the castle maybe telling the cook to make some cookies so he could bring along.

"Sasuke I want to tell you something." Sakura held his hand in hers and they were shaking. That made him confused that Sakura usely doesn't act like this.

They sat down and Sakura took a breath.

"Sasuke I'm pregnant." She said which was odd because she acted like she was scared.

She already had a son so why afraid maybe I shouldn't asked her she has her reason. That what Sasuke thought.

Sasuke hugged her and she hug him back.

He pulled away and look at her in the eyes.

"That great we should tell Daisuke about it. He would be really happy." Sasuke said and kissed his wife left cheek.

"Maybe we could tell him when we have the picnic tomorrow." Sakura smiled at him.

He nod his head and they went in. They saw Daisuke with the cook mixing the batter for the cookies. They at their dinner and Sakura helped Daisuke. She also cooked some other meals to bring with .

After that Daisuke fell asleep and Sasuke was carrying him to his bedroom.

He laid him and on his bed and tucked him in. He went to his room and saw Sakura was already asleep in bed. He smiled knowing that she was tired preparing for the picnic.

After taking a nice cool shower he went straight to bed. He looked at his wife sleeping face. He caresses her cheeks and planted a soft kiss on her forehead and fell asleep.

In the Morning

"Mama!Papa! Hurry." Daisuke called out for us on the carriage.

We step in as I put the picnic basket on my side. The carriage went to a field that was filled with flowers and colorful trees.

Daisuke ran into the field and laid on the ground.

I place a mat on some grass and opened the picnic basket. I sat the food on the mat while Sasuke played with Daisuke.

15 minutes past and they sat on the mat. We ate the food we brought.

"Daisuke do you want a baby brother?" Sasuke said to him. His eyes suddenly sparkled.

"Is mom having a baby papa?" Sakura smiled he is do smart that's my boy.

"Yes and not long you will be a brother." Sasuke patted his head.

Daisuke place his head on Sakura's stomach.

"I can hear it mama." Sakura was happy for him and Sasuke who made her life this wonderful.

After they ate , they play around the field .

The afternoon past and the sky slowly turns dark. They went back to the castle .

Daisuke was playing in his room while his parents were in their own.

Sasuke place his arms around her waist and they started dancing just like the day at the ball where they first met.

Sakura place her head on his shoulder. " Thank you Sasuke for everything." She looked up to see Sasuke smiling/smirking at her. He place his hand on her chin lifting her head up.

He place his lips on hers and they melted in one another. She made his life who ones was filled with darkness and now she fills it with light. He was happy because he have a family that he loves dear most.


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