Part 1: Sakura Haruno

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A girl who is at the age of 18 was sleeping in her small bed.

Her head under a soft pillow and a light pink blanket covering her hourglass body.

Some birds started chirping to wake the girl up. They chirped as loud as they can and the girl's head started to reveal .

Her pink hair that reach her lower back tied into a ponytail. Her eye lids opened and revealing her green gems that shone.

This girl is Sakura Haruno. The daughter of Kakashi a wealthy man that give her daughter all the love she could get.

Her mother and wife of Kakashi died of an illness when Sakura was 5.

Kakashi thought that Sakura could have a mother's love so he married a widow who had two daughters.

Kin the oldest a year older than Sakura and Karin same age as Sakura. Their mother Anko whom Kakashi married.

For the five of them life was good until Kakashi died of the same illness that killed his wife.

All his fortune was giving to his second wife and stepdaughters but nothing for Sakura.

She thought it was weird but didn't tell anyone because she knew that it was her father's choice.

As Kakashi funeral had ended. Anko and her daughters revealed their true colors and force Sakura to sleep in the attic of the mansion.

They told her to do all of the chores of the house but Sakura didn't complain about it.

" Good morning everyone. " she stretched her arms and slid out of her bed.

She heard someone calling her and saw her mice friends.

"Good morning guys." She kneeled down to patted their heads.

"Morning to you too Saku-chan" a brown mice said to her as a grey mice holds her hand.

"TenTen could you let the guys out I want to bath." Saku-chan said to her.

"Ok boys get out!!! " TenTen yelled and all the male mice and birds got out of the room.

Sakura P. O. V

Some female birds clean my bed as the female mice started the bath.

I bath and two birds wrapped a thin towel. The birds pulled out a red skirt that reached my knees with a pair of short . A brown shirt and a green apron .

I bragged my clothes and put it on as I tied my hair back with a scarf.

"Alright let's make breakfast." I walked down the stairs to the kitchen.

I have to prepared tea for my family.

I put the kettle on the fire as I put the cups on the trays.

The house dog Akamaru was laying on a mat that was made for him.

"Wakey Akamaru." I rubbed its ears .

The sound of the water boiling bolt me up.

I put it in tea pots and set them in the trays.

I balance all the three trays as I make my way to their bedroom.

First was Kin's room.

I knocked the door and a voice saying for me to came in.

"Good morning Kin-sama." I placed the tray on the table lamp near her bed.

"Take my laundry and I wanted to see them clean before evening." She dismissed me as I walked to Karin's room.

"Good morning Karin-sama" I placed the tray the same place I put in Kin's room.

She told me to take out her laundry and dismissed me.

I place the two sacks of clothing and made my way to Anko's room.

I knocked and let myself in. I placed the tray and grabbed a mother sack of clothing in it.

I went to the laundry room and started washing than with some help from my mice and birds friend of course.

As was that finished I went to the barn to feed the chickens ,cows and horses.

I went into the house to start my chores.

Later in the afternoon,

I fold the clothes and put them in their right place.

I cooked dinner and placing them on the table.

The three other members were out.

They would not return until a round midnight.

I went to my room change my clothes to a light pink night gown and went to sleep.

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