Chapter 31: It's Time

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Honestly these last 3 months have been the worst 3 months of my life. Lydia won't shut up about the wedding and Mak won't shut up about being in pain. Understandable I guess.

"Guys! We've set a date for the wedding!" Lydia exclaims in her fake exited voice. She walks into the living room where Dan, Mak, Kian and I are talking.

"Woohoo." I mutter quietly to myself. Dan chuckles slightly at my remark.

"August 16 of next year!" Lydia tells us.

"That's great." I reply, not caring at all. The rest of us make similar comments.

"Ugh you guys are no fun. No wonder nobody likes you all. Except you Dan." Lydia says, winking at Dan. Dan moans, annoyed.

"Goodbye Lydia." Dan responds, waving. Lydia rolls her eyes and walks up stairs.

"Uhhh." Mak groans, holding her stomach.

"You good babe?" Kian asks, rubbing her back gently.

"Yeah I'm fine. I need some water. Somebody help me up." Mak says, reaching her arms out, waiting for somebody to help her.

"Here let me get it." Kian tells her, about to get up.

"No I'll can get it. There's not a whole lot I can do but that's one thing I can." Mak says. Kian helps her up and she slowly but surely makes her way to the kitchen.

"I can't wait until she has this kid. Less complaining for me." I state, laughing.

"Well she's still gonna complain about not getting any sleep so have fun with that." Dan replies. I roll my eyes.

We all hear a noise from the kitchen and Kian bolts in there. Dan and I quickly follow.

"Mak what's wrong?" Kian asks frantically.

"I think my water's broke." Mak explains, rubbing her forehead.

"Kian I'm not ready to have this kid." Mak says, leaning her head on his chest.

"And you think I am? Tell you what, we'll go back to the apartment, get changed, call the doctor and grab the stuff we prepared for this. Then we'll leave. Okay baby?" Kian asks. Mak looks at Kian gratefully and nods her head.

"We'll meet you at the hospital." I call, as Kian guides her out of the apartment.

"This is going to be a long night. " I mutter to Dan.

"Tell me about it." Dan replies.

"As much as I don't want to we should probably tell Phil and Lydia." I say, making my way to Phil's room, Dan right behind me.

I knock on the door. Phil answers the door, his lips bright red.

"I don't mean to interrupt anything, but we wanted to let you know that Mak is about to have the baby and we're headed to the hospital in a little bit." I tell Phil, feeling uncomfortable.

"Okay." He says, rolling his eyes and no emotion in his voice. When we don't say anything he shuts the door.

"So that went well." Dan mumbles.

"Always does." I reply, dryly.


"You doing good Mak?" I ask, standing by her bedside. Mak nods.

"Lauren, I'm scared." Mak says quietly, so Kian doesn't hear.

"You'll do fine. Besides it will all be worth it in the in." I tell her, trying to be comforting.

"Thanks Lauren. You're a great best friend." Mak responds, smiling.

"Ahhh." Mak yells in pain.

"I'm going to have to ask you and your boyfriend to leave now. We're going to have Mak start pushing in a few moments." A nurse says, over Mak's yelling. I nod my head and exit the room, along with Dan.

"I'm nervous for her." I tell Dan, taking a seat on the bench out side of the room.

"There's no need love. She'll be just fine." Dan replies, taking a seat next to me. He wraps an arm around me and rubs my shoulder.

"Yeah but what if something goes wrong or what if Kian passes out or something? Mak's mom isn't here and I'm just worried." I explain, taking a deep breath.

"Don't get yourself all worked up. How about you call her mom and see if she can get the next flight out here? She'll be here by morning." Dan says.

"That's a good idea I'll be right back." I respond, getting up and walking away.

I come back a few moments later and resume my spot next Dan.

"What did she say?" Dan asks, as I sit down.

"She said she's getting out here as soon as she can!" I exclaim excited.

"See babe nothing to worry about." Dan replies, kissing my neck.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh." Kian says, bursting out of the room.

"Kian what are doing? Where are you going?" I ask, chasing after him.

"I can't do it. I can't be in there. I can't be a good father." Kian says, tears welling up in his brown eyes.

"Yes you can. You're going to be a great father. And Mak needs you now than ever. You got her into this mess and you're going to get her out." I tell him. Kian nods and engulfs me in a hug.

"Wish me luck." Kian says, before walking back to the room. 

"Luck!" Dan and I exclaim. 

"Man everybody's a mess today." Dan comments.

"It's a stressful event." I reply. Dan kisses me softly.

"This is exactly why I want kids when I'm older." Dan says, chuckling slightly.

"Lauren!" A voice yells from down the hallway. We turn and a boy and a girl are making there way towards us.

"We heard Mak went into labor. Why didn't you ever call me back?" He asks, slightly out of breath.

"Lost your number." I reply dryly. 

"Lauren who is this?" Dan asks confused.

"Oh I'm Shawn! You must be the Dan I didn't think exist." Shawn responds, sticking out his hand. Dan shakes it uncertainly. 

"I can give you my number again if you would like?" Shawn says, reaching into his pocket. 

"No, no I'm good. Who's the girl with you?" I ask, changing the subject. She seems very familiar to me.

"Oh you don't remember her?" Shawn asks back, slightly confused.

"No I don't, but she seems familiar." I respond, waiting for Shawn to give me her name. Why does she look so familiar?

"Well Lauren, she was your best friend. This is Lexi."

London Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें