Chapter 27: Anniversary

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Mak and Kian have been living in their new apartment for a few months now. And it's been absolutely amazing. I've spent most of my time there because I don't want to be around Phil and Lydia.

Yes, that's right, they're still together. And yes, Phil is still being mean.

"Dan I'm going to Mak's!" I call from the living room. Dan walks in the room and gives me a hug.

"Okay, but don't forget about tonight!" Dan says.

"What's tonight?" I ask, pretending not to know.

"I'm taking you out remember! It's our One Year Anniversary!" Dan exclaims.

"I know babe, don't worry." I reply, laughing a little. Dan rolls his eyes and chuckles.

"Just be ready to leave by 6:00." Dan says. I nod my head and give him a kiss before I leave.

I head up the stairs and down the hallway to Mak and Kian's apartment.

"Hey Lauren!" Mak exclaims when she opens the door. She rubs her hand over her belly and let's me in.

"How far along are you again?" I ask.

"Around 17 weeks or 4 months." Mak says. I wrap her in a hug, which she gratefully takes.

"Okay I need your help." I say when I pull away. Mak nods her head, already knowing the drill.


A few hours later, I'm showered, dressed and ready to go. Except for the fact that Mak has been chasing me around the house trying to get makeup on me.

"Lauren can I please just do it once?!" Mak calls after me as I bolt into her bedroom.

"No!" I scream, laughing. Mak comes into the room and shuts the door.

"Well now you're stuck so now I get to do it." Mak replies. I roll my eyes and groan.

"Alright fine lets do it now then." I mutter, walking into her bathroom.

"Sit." Mak commands, giggling. I take a seat on the stool and let Mak work her "magic".


"All done!" Mak exclaims. I turn around in the chair and look at myself in the mirror.

"Not half bad!" I reply. Mak playfully hits me in the shoulder.

"Okay seriously though you did a really good job!" I squeal, hugging her.

"Lauren! There is someone by the name Daniel Howell here for you!" Kian calls from the other room.

"Coming!" I yell back. I slip on my heels and admire myself in the mirror. Mak had picked out a sleeveless black dress, that had crochet at the top and it was silky on the bottom.

"He already loves you Lauren." Mak whispers, ruffling my curly hair. I giggle and nod my head.

I walk out of the bathroom and meet Dan at the door.

"Hey love. You look absolutely beautiful." Dan exclaims, bending down to kiss me on the cheek. Even with heels, Dan is still taller than me.

"Bye guys!" I say, waving. Dan leads me out of the apartment and into the elevator.

Dan grabs me by the waist and pulls me close to him.

"I didn't want to do this in front of them." Dan mumbles before placing his lips on mine. Our lips move together in sync until the elevator dinged.

"So where are you taking me?" I ask, as we walk out of the elevator. I intertwine our hands and start swinging them as we walk.

"Well I'm actually going to tell you and not be cliche!" Dan exclaims.

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