Chapter 11: Kian Lawley

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*Mak's POV*

"This is so cool!" I squeal, taking in the amazing hotel. A few people look in my direction, including Lauren, but she's used to it and they should all too. Phil comes up behind me and squeezes my shoulders.

"Hey" I say quietly, looking over my shoulder at him. Phil gives me a wholehearted smile and I give him a small smile back. The truth is, I really don't like like Phil all that much. Dan and Lauren both want Phil and I to date and I really don't want to. I know he likes me too and I know he's going to ask me out soon. I'm scared to let him down. Don't get me wrong, he's very sweet and kind and also attractive, but he's not someone I can see myself dating and having a future with. I've been so stressed and a little depressed over it these past few weeks and I can tell Lauren is starting to notice. I want to tell her but I'm also scared for her reaction.

"I'm going to go check us in." Phil says, interrupting my train of thought. I nod, letting my vision focus. And this is when I realize I was staring directly at someone. Kian Lawley. THE Kian Lawley. Aka my favorite person who has ever walked the Earth. He's wearing skinny jeans, a baseball tee with a flannel shirt tied around his waist, and a snap back. My cheeks flush and I look down at my feet.

"I couldn't help but notice that you were staring at me rather intently. You're Mak right?" A male's voice states. A voice I know all too well. I lift my eyes up and stare directly into Kian's eyes.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something. And yeah that's me! " I explain, surprised at how calm I am. He knows my name! He knows my name!

"No need to apologize. May I ask what?" Kian asks. He flashes me a toothy smile, making my heart melt.

"I guess. Well I came here with my best friend Lauren and Dan and Phil. And Lauren and Dan both want Phil and I to date. And I'm pretty sure Phil does too. But the thing is, I don't want to. I can only see Phil as a friend, nothing more, nothing less. And we're also staying in a room together, which is just great! And I'm just stressed about it." I rush out.

"Well dang." Kian responds.

"Sorry for dragging you into my problems." I say, smiling at little guiltily.

"Stop apologizing. I asked any way." Kian tells me.

"Sorry, I mean, okay." I reply, laugh slightly. Out of no where Kian wraps me in a hug.

"You could stay in my room if you like." Kian whispers in my ear. My breath hitches and Kian laughs.

"That would be amazing!" I exclaim, hugging him tighter.

"I would do anything to help a girl as beautiful as yourself. You got yourself into a sticky situation. And if you need any advice, tell them. They need to know!" Kian says, when we release from the hug. I smile and nod my head.

"I'm going to tell Phil. I'll be back!" I say, not wanting to leave the moment. Kian waves and I turn around and head to wear Phil is.

"Hey Mak, what's up?" Phil asks, kindly. This is going to hurt him.

"I'm not going be staying in your room." I tell him. His normal happy face, turns confused.

"What do you mean?" Phil asks.

"I'm going to be staying with Kian." I explain. Phil face has hurt written across it.

"Why?" Phil questions. I take ahold of his hand and take a deep breath.

"Listen Phil, I'm sorry to tell you this and telling you it here. But I don't feel the same way. You are an amazing guy, sweet and kind, but I can only see you as a friend. I am truly sorry. There are plenty of girls out there, you will find one!" I say, eyes threatening to spill tears. A few tears drop down Phil's pale face.

"I understand." Phil states in a mono tone voice. He gives me a weak smile and I return it. I give him a hug and kiss his cheek.

"See you later." I whisper, letting go. I turn my back to him and walk back to Kian.

"I told him." I say to Kian. He gives me a surprised but happy look.

"That's great. Now wanna head up to my room and drop off your stuff?" Kian asks, putting his arm around my shoulder. My insides scream and I wanted to fangirl so much. This is really happening.

"Yeah sure." I reply. Kian leads me to the elevator where we take it to Kian's floor.

"I love your channel by the way." Kian comments as we walk to my room.

"You watch my videos?!" I exclaim, shocked. Kian laughs and nods his head.

"I love your channel too." I respond.

"Yeah I know, I've heard you talk about me in your videos." Kian says. My cheeks go bright red. I pretty much talk about Kian in all of my videos. Well this is awkward.

"And here we are!" Kian announces, stopping at room number 527. He unlocks the door and we enter his room.

"You can put your stuff any where, this is your room too now." Kian tells me. I set my stuff on the floor and walk over to the window.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Kian says, coming up behind me. I lean my head on his chest and let out a quiet 'yeah'.

"I've never seen anything like it. I've been to places on the east side of the states and London, but never California. It's breathtaking." I state, folding my hands. I turn my head to look at Kian, but he's already looking at me. We start to lean in and before I know it we are kissing. My arms automatically go around his neck and his arms wrap around my waist. Our lips mold together, like they were made for each other. Kian's hands go to my thighs and he lifts me up. He then lays me down on the bed and continues to kiss me. He leaves a trail of kisses starting from where my ear meets my jaw, all the way down to my chin, and then places his lips back on mine. I put my hands underneath his shirt and feel his abs. Kian releases himself from the kiss to take his shirt off and goes back to kissing me. I pull back from the kiss, out of breath and smile widely.

"I really like you Mak." Kian tells me.

"I really like you too." I respond. Kian pulls back the covers and we climb underneath of them. I cuddle into him, and close my eyes. Kian kisses my forehead and I drift off to sleep. I love Kian Lawley.


I hope you guys enjoy this chapter from Mak's POV and the twist of events! It will be back to Lauren's POV next chapter though!

London LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon