Chapter 8: Staying The Night

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"I think we deserve a drink!" Dan exclaims, picking be bridal style and carrying me to the kitchen.

"NO DAN SET ME DOWN!" I squeal, flailing my legs. Dan just laughs and keeps on going. When he gets to the kitchen he sets me down. He then pulls out a bottle of wine and 4 wine glasses. He pours us all a glass and hands them out.

"To going to Vidcon!" Dan shouts, raising his glass. We clink glasses and drink our drinks.

"Movie time!" I shriek, running to the living room. I throw myself onto the couch, while everyone stares at me.

"Come on!' I tell them, motioning them to all come and sit. Mak sighs and Dan laughs. Dan comes over to me and picks me up and sets me on his lap. And then I giggle. I never giggle. No one has made me feel like this before.

Phil puts in a movie and sits down on the floor by the couch. Mak takes a spot next to him. This causes me to smile majorly. I want Mak to be happy so bad!

After the movie, we were all tired and I just wanted to go to bed.

"Ugh!" I groan, picking myself up off of Dan.

"We should probably get going." Mak tells me. I slowly nod my head, not wanting to. Dan gets up as well and puts his arm around my waist.

"Do I have to?" I whisper to Dan. Dan looks me and gives me a smile.

"Do you want to stay the night?" Dan asks, smiling brightly.

"Of course I do!" I exclaim, laughing. I embrace Dan in a hug.

"I-" I start, but I stop. I almost said I love you. That was too close.

"I what?" Dan asks, confused, but still smiling.

"Nothing. Nevermind!" I say, trying my best to cover it up.

"Okay then." Dan says, giving me a weird look. I look up at Mak who is putting her coat on.

"Hey Mak, I'm just going to stay here for the night! Okay?" I tell her. Her smile, becomes smaller but she nods any way.

"Okay bye guys!" Mak calls, opening the door and walking out.

"Bye!" We all call back in unison.

"Do you want to go to bed?" Dan asks me, taking a hold of my hand.

"Yes please!" I groan, yawning afterwords.

"Here I've got you." Dan tells me. I stare at him confused. Dan then lifts me up and starts to carry me to his room. And this time I didn't care.

"Wait Dan, I don't have pajama's!" I say, my eyes half shut.

"You can borrow some of mine!" Dan replies. I mumble something that hopefully sounded like a thank you. I then feel a soft cushion under me and I realize Dan has set me down.

"Will you help me?" I say before I can stop myself. Dan freezes.

"Are you sure?" Dan asks.

"Yeah I'm fine with it." I mumble. Dan pulls out a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. He sets them on the bed and slowly comes up to me. He helps me out of my jeans and into the sweatpants. He then gets me out of my tank top and slides the shirt over my head. The whole time Dan's cheeks are bright red. I honestly didn't care. I was too tired to care.

"Thanks." I say to him.

"No problem." Dan states. I climb into his bed as Dan takes off his shirt and gets into his shorts. After that, Dan climbs into bed. You would think it would be weird, the first time sleeping in the same bed together, but it wasn't. It felt like we've been doing it our whole lives. Dan wraps his arm around me and pulls me close to his chest.

"Night Dan."

"Night Lauren."

*Dan's POV*

"Night Dan." Lauren told me, sleepily.

"Night Lauren." I reply. A wait a few seconds before saying something.

"I love you." When she didn't reply I whisper her name.

"Lauren?" She must of been asleep. She didn't hear. Maybe's that's a good thing.

*Lauren's POV*

As I slowly drift off to sleep, I hear something Dan's says.

"I love you." Maybe he said it, maybe he didn't. I really hope he did. Because I love him. And with that, I drift off to sleep.

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