Viva La Fuck.

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[ viva la fuck - chapter 2 ]

an + asdfghjkl thank you so much for the 16 likes they legit mean the world as well as the 132 views(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I hope u guys like it so far and please leave feedback for me x


" Delevingne, Delevingne. " Cara murmers repeatedly, to her self while guiding her fingers along with her eyes in search for her last name along with about 400 hundred students edger to find the classes they have this year.

" God can you stop breathing on my neck? It feels like fire burning through my skin. " I glare at a jock hovering me from behind, not paying any attention to anything I just said.

I glanced at the sheet twice noticing it had my last name on it and the home room i need to go to.

" Found mine!" Carter shouts getting a few peoples attention.

" Me too mines is Room-128 hall 7." I say glancing back at the schedule.

" Mines is Room- 208 hall 5. " Cara says crawling on the ground to get through easier. " I'll walk you half way Russo." I laugh as she gets up and almost punches the guy next to her, who accidentally shoves her into the wall.

" Let's all meet at the stairs as soon as lunch starts! " I shout over many voices in the crowd.

" Dude, how are we going to get out of this ?" Carter asks, looking utterly confused from the many bodies that surround us.

I bite my lip, " We crawl." I get down on my knees and crawl through mini spaces in between paired people.

" Ouch!! " I yell glancing at a foot print left on my red hand.

I finally make my way out of the huge crowd and take a minute to realize how many people there actually was. I was still stuck on which grade was which also. They all look like hungry lions seeking an innocent gazelle.

High school for you i guess.

I turn around, and notice Cara and Carter laughing at me while they walk out of the crowd.

" I hate you both." I breathe out and point to both of them , dusting my hands off while I get up off the ground.

* * *

After dropping Carter and Cara off at their homeroom, I walk down the long red and white halls, - our ugly school colors - And glance over at a older man i think i saw at Orientation. He had a jet black beard, olive oil tan skin, and a Bright Orange Giant's sweatshirt with Dad Jeans.

Reminds me of my dad on his days off work. But just with no beard, and more hair.

I walk towards him inturrpting him talking to staff members. " Um excuse me? " I tap his shoulders only to have him glance down at me along with the people he was talking to. " Do you know where this class is?" I ask a bit impatient, because the last thing i want is for the bell to ring, and coming into the class awkwardly.

" Hmm.." He takes the paper i basically shoved in his face, out my hands and observed it like it was evidence on CSI. " Sounds familiar, alot of refurrals came from this room number. Dolora, do you know where this is? " He hands it to the woman next to him.

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