Chapter 20

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"Holland!" Matt started as he walked into the room.

"Matt!" I mimicked back, "It's been two days, I'm still thinking."

"But I know what the rebels want."


"They either want all the castes gone by now-"

"But isn't your mom working on that."

"Well yeah but it takes some time...."

"Okay, what's the second option?"

"An end to the monarchy."

I was speechless. They can't just end the monarchy. Or I guess they could... Maybe.

"Well, I think I got my project idea."

He looked terrified. "Look, let's work on the project later... I was gonna ask you to go to the theater?"

"Yay! Let's go." I squealed and took his hand. We ran through the halls until I was sure we ran two laps around the palace.

"I don't know where this place is."

He laughed his musical laugh and turned me slightly. I saw a door, which I assumed led to the theater.


"Yeah." We entered the room. "What movie do you want to watch?"

"What do you want to watch?"

"Whatever you want."

I smiled. "Then let's watch comedy."


Our movie was almost finished when Sophie came into the room.

"What are you two doing?"

"Watching a movie. Want to join?" I asked. I could fell Matt smiling at me for including his sister in our date.

"Sure! Can we watch a princess one?"

"Yeah, whatever you want." Matt replied.

"Let's watch... The one about princess Kylie!" Sophie said and walked over to sit on Matt's lap.

I smiled. Princess Kylie was personally one of my favorite princesses. The movie came out about two years ago. It is about a young girl that doesn't want to be a princess so she runs away and meets a civilian in the forest. The civilian goes by the name of Nathan. Kylie and Nathan live in his house in the woods until Nathan proposes to her. At this point Kylie realizes that she has duties to do as a princess so she basically drags him along and forces a crown upon his head and they live happily ever after.

Twenty minutes into the movie, Sophie covered her mouth with her hands, held her stomach, and sprinted out of the room.

"Is she okay? We should go check on her." Matt started panicking.

"Shh, it's okay, we will find her." I said while rubbing his back, "You just need to calm down on our way. The last thing she needs is someone panicking." Matt nodded and grabbed my hand rather tightly. Then we fast-walked through the halls trying to find Sophie.

Matt kept talking and saying how worried he was until I heard something.

"Matt shut up for a sec okay?" He glared at me then agreed.

"It's.... It's Sophie! She's crying!" Matt exclaimed and followed her cries. When we found her, she was on the floor rubbing her temple.

"Soph, what happened?" Matt asked.

"Well I threw up and I have a headache now?"

"Do you think your sick?" I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders and hissed in pain, "I don't know, it's been happening a lot recently."

"Okay, Let's get you to the doctor." Matt confirmed. Sophie stood up and started walking with Matt and front and me trailing behind. She came to a halt and started tipping backwards. I fell on my knees and caught her.

"She- she fainted. Oh and thank you for catching her." Matt choked out.

"You're welcome and yeah, we should get her to the doctor." Matt nodded in agreement and carried the passed out redhead bridal style to the hospital.



"I cut our date short."

"It's fine. It's the least of my worries anyway." We went into the hospital wing and Matt explained to a nurse what happened. A huge wave of fear came over the nurse, as if she knew what was wrong. But she quickly replaced it with a soft smile.

"Here let me take her. I'll let you know what's wrong with her as soon as possible." The nurse said. Matt handed Sophie off to her and she shooed us away.

"I hope it's nothing serious." Matt murmured. I nodded and we walked hand in hand back to my room.


UH OH! What do you think is wrong with our Princess?

I have writers block so... sorry this chapter was lame, I was studying and I thought of the idea and basically wrote an entire chapter haha

Bye! <3

Our Selection जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें