Chapter 19

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"Is she waking up?"

"Probably not, well, I'm not sure. We should leav-"

I blink my eyes open. It's really blurry at first, then my eyes adjust. I feel someone squeeze my hand. I look at who was standing in front of me. It was Matt.... And a girl.

"Holland! Thank god your awake!" Matt said and kissed my forehead lightly.

"Yeah I think I'm okay... Who's this?"

"I'm Tia! You must be Holland! Matt talks about you all the time!" Tia said. She smiled a big smile at me, and her voice was a bit too cheerful for my liking. She had dark brown hair with slight highlights. Her gray eyes sparkled.

"Yeah I'm Holland... Matt said a lot about you as well."

"Good things I hope?" She looked at him and put her arm around him.

No, he basically told me how your entire childhood was and about your parents. "Yes."

"Well we should go, you look tired, even though you were asleep for a day." Matt said


"You have a gun shot wound in your arm but you'll be fine. They did stitches and stuff yesterday."

"Since I was asleep for the rest of the night, does that mean someone got eliminated?"

"Yeah, Christina. She's nice but not really-"

"His type." Tia finished, "We should go. Nice meeting you Holland!" She winked at me. I cringed and nodded, shooing them away.


Apparently I fell asleep, because it was late-ish and there was a note on me.


You didn't seem happy with Tia :(

Wanna talk about it when you get back to your normal room?


I quickly scribble down a yes, give it to a maid, and tell her to give it to the Prince. She probably will look at it, but I could care less.

"Ma'am?" I look up at my nurse.

"Yes?" I answer.

"You can go... Just be careful with that arm of yours okay?"

I nodded and walked really slowly up to my room. Right when I got in my maids showered me with questions.

"Are you okay?"

"Do you need anything?"

"What happened?"

"Do you need space?"

I quickly answered all of them with, "Yeah, no thanks, it's complicated, and yes yes yes! Please." They scurried off like mice. I sighed and walked to my drawers, and put on my nightgown. Just then, a knock came on the door. Before I had the chance to answer Matt walked in.

"You should've knocked, I might've been naked." I rolled my eyes.

"It wouldn't bother me." He smirked and I slapped him.

"So...." I started.

"So? Why don't you like Tia?"

"I don't know... I just don't trust her. She's too happy."

"Yeah she's usually not like that but it's whatever. You should know that nothing is going on between us." He smiled a soft smile.

"O-Kay..." I said, not fully trusting him.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you! You have a project to work on, it's not due for awhile. But I'm telling you before the others so you can get a head start."

I eyed him, "This isn't going to be like an 8th grade paper or a 10th grade project right?"

"Well... You have to come up with an idea to help Illéa if you were to become Queen. Like my mom and her getting rid of the castes. Or my grandmother and her education."

"So this does involve my creativity?"


"Darn it." I pout and he kisses my nose.

"Sorry my dear."

"Yeah yeah now leave. I got to get thinking."

"But this project isn't due till forever. It doesn't start till it gets to the elite. I thought we could go on a date-"

"And it takes me a month to think of ideas. So sorry Princy to reject your offer but I gotta work!" I say while shoving him out the door.

"Rude!" He says.

"Sorry." I laugh and peck his lips and close the door.

Time to starting thinking.

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