Chapter 17

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You know what's amazing? Being able to wake up knowing your family is just down the hallway. You know what's not amazing? When you wake up at 5:00 am due to excitement. I groaned and tried to go back to sleep.


When I woke up a second time, it wasn't from myself, oh no, it was from my one and only sister, Katie.

"Wake up wake up wake up!" She smiled like a child on Christmas, "We're going to teaaaa!"

"Crap! I need to grab.... My dress! Oh my dress." I probably looked crazy, I was running around the room and my maids were literally there.

"Calm miss." Molly laughed, "We will get you ready."

"Okay." I breathed.

Getting ready for things was actually really awkward. If I became Queen, I would probably ask for no help getting dressed. Yeah, that sounds nice. I would actually enjoy it if other people didn't see me naked.

"Ready for tea?" Taylor asked.

"Yup." I said, while Sierra escorted me to the door.

"You can go now, thank you." I said softly. She nodded and went off.

I roamed down the halls, trying to find the women's room. I am quite proud of myself, learning my way around the palace that is. I can get almost anywhere now. I skipped down the halls until I stopped in my tracks. There, I saw Matt and Isabel... holding hands. Oh my god, it's not that big of a deal Holland, he needs to date other girls. I rolled my eyes to myself and waited till they passed, then I arrived at the women's room. Early.

"Lady Holland, a bit early are we?" Queen America chuckled.

"Yeah... I'm usually late so this is really weird."

"Me too honey."

I laughed, "Really?"

"Yeah." She sighed, probably remembering her selection. I was about to say something else too, that was until the families came bursting through the door with excitement. They were shouting excitedly, if Silvia were in here she probably would've died.

"Umm... Hi! I'm America and are you all ready for the tea party?" Queen America said somewhat awkwardly.

A chorus of gasps and 'yes' were returned.

"Hey Holland, guess what? The Prince is making an elimination after the ball so be ready to pack your bags." Bethany winked at me. I rolled my eyes. That girl.

"Holland?" A voice came. I turned around and it was Katie.


"Do you actually like him?"

"Who? The Prince?"

She nodded slowly and eyed me. I wonder what she was thinking...

"Yes." I said barely audible.

"What? I couldn't hear you."

I nodded and looked at her. She showed emotions in her face. Sadness, anxiety, happiness, and one other one that I couldn't read. I'm pretty sure it was just her being the protective older sister she is.

"Tea?" I asked, trying to get off the awkward conversation.

"Sure, mom is already over there anyway." She faintly smiled. What's up with her?

"What's wrong with you? Wait, I didn't mean-"

She sighed, "Before we came here, my boyfriend broke up with me. I don't know, it just hurt I guess. Be careful with Matthew alright?"

I smiled. Matt would never hurt me. "Alright, now let's go!" I dragged her to the table and we started sipping our tear with Queen America, Princess Amberly, and Princess Sophie.

"Are you having fun?" Amberly asked. I was sitting in two seats down from her and next to Sophie.

"Yes!" I said and Emily smiled at me.

"Are you really having fun? Cause quite frankly, I don't like social events, other than balls, I like the food.... Are you really having fun?" Sophie whispered.

"Not really, I don't like tea." I smirked.

Everyone was chattering. I stared at Grace for a moment. Her mother was smiling at her, she was smiling back, almost is awe.

Bethany however, was sassing her parents and rolling her eyes at them. Her parents were smiling back, with sad looks in their eyes. Hmm... her parents seem almost, I don't know, They seem embarrassed of their daughter yet they show affection. I admire that.

"Alright girls, I hate to cut the tea party short but, we have a ball to go to tonight don't we? And we must get ready!" Queen America exclaimed. She must like balls, for she was practically bouncing off the walls because she seemed so excited for this!

"Mom, Katie, you guys are okay, right?"

"Yes dear! Have fun getting ready!" My mom said, excitement in her gray eyes.

"All good!" Katie said.

"Cool, see you guys at the ball!" I smiled a walked to my room. Only to find Prince Matthew at my door.

"Oh hi Holly-"

"What are you doing?" I smirked.

"I though you were in your room. I was about to knock because I wanted to talk..."


"Anything! Oh god I'm so bored and I don't want to work today!" He practically shouted. I had to shush him or else it would start a scene.

"You can come in! Calm down!" I laughed and dragged him in my room.

"I'm bored!" He whined.

"Then help your mom." I said lamely.

"But I want to be with you!" He sounded like a child, but still managed to make my cheeks turn pink.

"Too bad." I felt like being sassy no- wait, spicy. Yeah I felt like being spicy.


"Matthewwww." He glared at me.

"I have to get ready!" I smiled and shoved him off the bed.

"We could together."

"Or not."

He huffed and looked at the time. "Oh my, you're so right! I have to get ready too! Bye Holly!" He said quickly, kissed my cheek, and practically ran out of the room.


Just then, my maids came running. "There you are!" Sierra shrieked, "let's get you ready!"

They got my broken doll costume on and put on creepy makeup. All while giggling and gossiping.

Taylor sighed, "All done miss, are you ready?"

I sighed back at her, "As ready as I'll ever be..." Molly escorted me out the door. Before I closed the door I could hear Sierra say, "Bye! Have fun!" I smiled and walked to the ball.

When I arrived at the entrance to the great room, I exhaled and opened the door, ready for a ball.



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