Chapter 14

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@Pradainpink thanks for adding my book to your reading list <3


I waltzed around the dance studio after breakfast. Sometimes you need a break from Bethany, the selection, everything. Ballet is something that will do just that.

I finished up dancing and I went to my room. The chilly October weather made me have goosebumps. I shut my doors and sat at my desk. I had to write to my family at some point.

Dear Family,

I know you have been writing me for forever and I and sorry I couldn't answer for so long. You see, I have been busy with all this "Royalty Preparation." We learn how to be proper and stuff. Now answers to your questions.

Yes, I met the prince

No, I haven't kissed him

Yes, I like the food. You should try it when you come down to the palace! (Hopefully that's soon)

Yes, I have met the royal family.

There was a knock at my door. "One moment." I said.

Someone has just arrived at my door. I will write soon!



I quickly folded it up and gave it to Taylor. She smiled and opened the door, greeting my visitor, and walking out of the room.

"Matt." I greeted with a smile.

"Hello, my dear." He smiled back

"What were you writing about?" He asked.

"You're nosy."

"I was just wondering." He pouted.

"Fine. I was writing to my family basically saying how I was and I couldn't wait to see them if they come to the palace."

He smiled a kind smile at me. "Well... I came in to tell you we are having a halloween ball."

"Really? Can my family come?"

"Yes Holly, Your family can come."

"Thank you so much Matthew!" I smiled and embraced him.

We pulled away for a second, "Anything for you." He said and pecked my lips. I felt butterflies in my stomach erupt. No matter how much I told them to become calm, they wouldn't listen.

"I get to see my family... I'll never be able to repay you!" I exclaimed

"Darling, you will never have to repay me." He said softly and smiled. He then started to walk out the door.

"Where are you going? Don't leave." I pleaded.

He laughed lightly and said, "I have to tell the other girls about the party. I'll be back though."

I looked at him, "Okay."

"Think about what you would like to be for halloween." He said

"I will."

"Okay I have to go now."

"Okay." I said softly.

"Bye Holly."

"Bye Matt."


Welp, that was short XD

Hope you enjoyed!

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