Chapter 18

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As I walked into the ballroom, all eyes were on me. Here everyone was, dressed really pretty, and I was scary. I stuck out like a sore thumb.

I walked around until Anika came up to me.

"Hi Pocahontas."

"Hi. What are you?"

"I broken doll-type-thing. I don't really know how to explain it but I love it!" I smiled.

"Well it's very... Unique?"


Just then, Matt came over, dressed as a vampire.

"May I have this dance, Anika?"

She giggled and winked. "Sure!"

I rolled my eyes and went to the food table. I picked up almost one of everything and stuffed my face. Good thing Silvia didn't see me.

"Hungry?" Emily asked.

"Yeah I guess. What are you?"

She pointed to the horn on top of her head. "I'm a unicorn, duh."

We both laughed and Emily took one of my cupcakes.


"Oh please, let me take one. You had like, four!"


"So, unless you want to not be able to dance tonight, I suggest you let me help you with this." She said and took a bite.

"I hate you."

"Oh I love you too!" She kissed my cheek. "I gotta go, my family is calling me."

"Bye!" I shouted. Then I watched her walk away.

"Quiet down Holly."

I smiled to myself, only one person called me that.

"Hello idiot."

"May I have this dance?" He smirked, the song just changed to a slow song.

"Nope," his face flushed, "kidding doofus!" I giggled and dragged him to the dance floor.

"Now, please don't bite me while we dance." I said to Mr. Vampire.

"No promises." He smirked and winked. I hit his shoulder lightly and said, "shut up."

He shrugged and kept dancing with me. I was actually decent at this, unlike Anika, who, no offense, looked like a swan trying to do the robot.

He leaned on my shoulder and whispered to me, "One of my childhood friends is coming to visit tomorrow, are you okay with that?"

"Yeah, it's not like I have a choice." I laughed.

"If you said no, I would've not let her come."

"No no no it's fine! What's her name?"

"Tia! She's really nice. You'll love her!" He whispers to me, "Don't tell her I said this but, she doesn't have nice parents, father said she couldn't come before the selection, but she's coming since her parents are fighting."

I nodded. "Oh, well I'm sure I'll love her!"

Just then, Bethany came up to Matt. "Can we dance?" She asked and batted her eyelashes.

He mouthed sorry to me and nodded. Isabel emerged beside me and said, "The nerve that girl has!" I simply nodded and walked away.

Just as I sat down, an alarm went off. Really? You could've done that before I sat down? I thought. Then I realized that the alarm meant something. Rebels.

I learned in my history book when I was about thirteen that after the castes were removed, the rebels were fine. What else could they possibly want?

Screaming and frantic running interrupted my thoughts. The only thing was I didn't know where to go. Guards were pushing girls left and right and telling them to get to the 'safe room' before I could run someone grabbed me.

"I got one! It looks like Lady Holland!"

Some clapping went on as they continued to shoot.

"Let her go!" A voice cried, knowing it was Matt's. Guards continued to shoot and I just looked at Matt, he looked so scared for me. I wanted to tell him to go but the rebel was choking me.

Finally, a gun shot interrupted my thoughts.

And everything went black.


So umm yeah update!

Since I feel bad about the cliffhanger, and want you to meet and understand Tia more, I'm gonna update one part from my book Before Her so you can check that out!

Umm bye?

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