\\Chapter Eleven\\

Start from the beginning

"Business partners living under the same roof? Are you making a fool out of me, or do I look that naive to you?" She questions loathing me with each passing minute.

"How do I even know you're not lying?" She asks as if completely believing I was lying straight to her face.

Before I could mutter a word, Christopher barges through the front door. He the situation and throws us a confused look. Then his eyes move from the crying Victoria girl to me.

Think fast Arianna. Think fast.

I look at Victoria who seems to be super irritated by Christopher intruding on our encounter, before taking a heavy intake of air.

"Because Christopher here is my boyfriend." I answer quickly without meeting Christophers' gaze. I feel his gaze burning a hole in my back but I keep my eyes locked in Victoria's.

Christopher takes a step back as if my words terrified him as his eyes nearly pope out of their sockets. He was staring intensely at me, urging me to prove that he heard wrongly. After a while of silence, Dylan walks slowly towards Victoria and stands in front of her. He looks into her eyes with much love and compassion as if she is a fragile piece that he is afraid to break.

"I am sorry Victoria." He says truthfully with drops of sincerity poured into each single words. He seems pained by her tear stained face that was printing an unforgettable image in his mind. Constantly reminding him of his mistakes, nettling him with guilt and rue. Slowly he took small yet noticeable steps away from her, rids his face from any slight trace of emotion left before returning to his usual austere look. "Get out of my life Victoria before it's too late. You deserve someone who deeply cares for you and that person definitely isn't me." He keeps his eyes transfixed at a stunned Victoria, memorizing each part of her, before he walks away without muttering any additional word.

Victoria on the other hand becomes extremely pale and frozen in her own her agonizing world. She looks longingly at the space were Dylan previously occupied, replaying the whole scene over and over again.

I want to comfort her though I don't know her but I can't order my body to move. I feel a slight touch on my shoulder and I turn around to Christopher who nods his head at me, clearly approving of what I was thinking of. I walk suavely towards the current shattering little fragile girl afraid I might scare her away.

"Hey...It's going to be okay." I lie straight through my teeth unable to find the proper words to sooth her.

I lead a dangerously silent Victoria to my room and seat her on my bed.

"Are you alright?" I ask cautiously while biting my lip.

She looks at me for a moment before her head falls down and her eyes lock with the ground. "What am I still doing here? I should leave." She was about to stand up but then fell back holding her head with her hands, pain evident on her features. "Hey...calm down and rest here a bit. Is everything okay?" I ask worriedly.

No you silly girl she is quite fine after getting heartbroken a few minutes ago.

"Yeah I am fine. I'll be good in a few minutes." She barely says before closing her eyes and inhaling then exhaling tired breaths. "Can you please get me the bottle in my bag?"

I quickly do as she asks and watch her as she swallows down her medicine. I watch her closely as a question pokes up in my mind.

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