Chapter 8: Thanks Andi

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Chapter 8: Thanks Andi

Jessie's POV

When I got to Andi's Dorm, I knocked and there was no answer. I could only hear her talking to someone.


"ANDI!!! CURFEW IS IN LIKE 20 MINUTES!" I said then she opened the door.

"Thanks for coming."

"I mean, it's a surprise. This better be good."

"It will be. Trust me. Come on in."

"Where's Kim?" I asked once I stepped in the dorm.

"I asked her to stay in Ruby's old dorm until we're done."

"That good huh?"

"You'll love me forever."

"I doubt-" I said then she twisted around her laptop. It was a video chat....with JAX! "-it." I continued but I was happy, shocked and I missed them.

"JAX!" I yelled going closer to the laptop."

"Hey Jessie. How's a goin?" he asked.

"AWESOME! I LOVE it here! I mean, I miss you and everyone but it's fun here!" I said.

"That's great to hear. I miss you too."

"I'll just wait outside. Remember Jessie, I can only get an hour a day... and I kinda used 45 minutes earlier to talk with Emma." Andi said.

"So, I only get 15 minutes.."

"HEY! It's better than nothing."

"Thanks Andi.." I said going up to her and I gave her a hug.

"Your wasting your time. Just thank me later." she said before she walked out.

"So, How's everything in Miami?" I asked.

"Great. Emma and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary last week."

"Glad to hear that! I miss you Jax..."

"Miss you too Jessie."

"When can you drop by?"

"I don't know if that's a good idea. Remember, me, WITs Academy..not the best mix."

"Well, then I'll just ask Andi if I can call you everyday."

"I don't know. As much as I want to, we need to let Andi use some of her reward too. And we need to save it for emergencies. Which reminds me, I'm really proud of you Jessie."

"Thanks. I think that this is going to be the best semester yet! Now that we're at the top of the board, nothing can stop us now!"

"Any friends?"

"Yeah, My Teammate Ben...afraid of Everything. Luke's WITs Sean and Gracie. Nice people but could be very competitive sometimes.."

"Like Andi isn't." he said sarcastically.

"They're different though." I said laughing.

"Anyone else?"

"Many. But, I just became friends with Emily. We used to hate each other. But now we don't, thanks to Ethan, her twin brother."

"That's good. I'm glad you made some new friends."
"Oh yeah, that reminds me. I heard there's like 5 new Captain El Capitan comics out!"

"You mean, these Captain El Capitan Comics?!!" he said showing them to me.

"YESSSS! Those! I need those comics! Ethan and I have been waiting for so looong!"

"Ethan....He's not more than just a friend right."



"I don't want to lie to you Jax, so-"

"MADAY! MADAY!" Andi said running in and shutting the lights off.

"What is it?"

"SHHH!" she said.


"Cameron is outside. Say your goodbyes! Who knows if us cutting curfew could affect our points."

"Why would..."


"I'm sorry Jax, but I gotta go."

"Wait, Andi! We were kinda in an important conversation right now, so If you could just....let that wait."

"Hey Jax, you see this face. Yeah, this is a face of a person who doesn't care. If we get in trouble, we could get deducted points!" Andi said walking up to the laptop.

"That's not in the rulebook." I said

"It is now. Agamemnon and Cameron added so many new rules for this semester. Look." she said handing me a little handbook.

"I'll just call you again soon. Promise. Don't forget the comics! I need them ASAP! Bye Jax!" I said

"Jessie, wait. I-" he said before it cut off.

"What happened? I still had 1 minute left."

"It's curfew. When that clock strikes 7:00, all devices from Aggie turns off."

"That's a dumb rule."

"I know right. And I was gonna go over the new plans I made, it's on that laptop!"

"Thanks Andi."

"It was no biggie."

"Not just for letting me talk to Jax. You saved me when you walked in."

"Why? What were you guys talking about anyways?"

"Nothing. Just Captain El Capitan and uhm Ethan...."

"Ethan. Don't tell me you....You like Ethan??"

"No. Yes. Maybe. Kinda."

"Well it better not affect the way you treat him. Remember, we can't afford to be at the bottom again."

"I know. I won't let this get to me. I promise. You're the only one who knows Andi. Can I trust you?"

"Of course you can. And if you want, I could give you advice, AFTER this Semester."

"Jax told me not to take advice from you like EVER....." I said then she looked offended. "But, Sure. I would like that." I added.

"Great, now. Do your thing and Tele Transport yourself to yourRoom."

"Night Andi!" I said before I gave her a hug and tele transported myself out.

"There you are!" Emily said when I was in the room.

"Cameron is down the hall!" Sianna said.

"Sorry, I was with Andi."

"It's fine, just BE MORE CAREFUL." Emily said.

"Yeah, there's new rules." Sianna said handing me the same handbook that Andi showed me earlier.

"I know. We should get to bed. Tomorrow is the last day of our semester break."

"I heard Agamemnon and Cameron planned something to finish off the break." Emily said.

"I just hope it's not Camp Cameron again." I said.

"AGREE." Everyone in the dorm said.

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