Chapter 6: Ethan least it was supposed to be

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Chapter 6: Ethan least it was supposed to be

Ethan's POV

After we practiced, we decided to get a smoothie at the cafeteria.

"Hey guys!" we said as Andi and Luke were walking out.

"Woah. Jessie and Emily together. What happened?" Andi said.

"We found out we had a lot in common!" Emily said. While I said, "They both practiced magic spells together!" at the same time and they looked confused.

"Uhm. I joined Emily and Ethan to practice some spells and we started talking and found out we had a lot in common. At first, we wouldn't talk to each other, just kept throwing spells but after it all just happened." Jessie explained

"Well, that's great." Luke said.

"Yeah, I'm glad. I guess. Anyways, Jessie meet me at my dorm at 6:30. I have a surprise."

"Oh no. This isn't one of your, We won't get in trouble but we always do surprises." Jessie said.

"No. Well.....No." she said

"Ok fine. Do you want me to call Ben too?"

"No! Don't bring anyone! It's private."

"Ok...fine. See you later."

"Okay. Come On Preppy. I'll race you to the library!' Andi said.

"We're gonna do some actual studying now." Luke said but Andi ran off."Hey! Wait! See you guys later!" he added before running after Andi.

"They're cute...." Emily said.

"But in a weird.." I added

"Funny way." Jessie continued. Then we all shrugged our shoulders and sat down and started talking and drinking our smoothies. We talked for a long time, we didn't even notice the time.

"It's already 6:15! I should be heading to Andi's dorm. See you guys around." Jessie said before she left.

"Bye." we both said.

"Come on. We should go get ready, curfew starts at 7 and I need to get to the girl's room before Gracie. It's hard-" Emily said standing up.

"I don't need to know." I said. "I'm good. I'll just stay here." I added


"Yeah. I just need Ethan Time."

"Ok. Good Night." she said.

"Night." I said then I was surprised when Harris, Sean and Ben sat in front of me.

"Woah! Hey guys." I said.

"So, you like Jessie huh?" Sean said and I looked surprised.

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