"Jesse, really? This was really important to me. My mom likes you, but my dad? I mean my dad will kill you and that's not an exaggeration."

He sat down on his fresh made bed and moved my body to sit in his lap. "What are you tawkin about?" He asked me.

"My dad is a criminal justice attorney. He sends killers, rapists, and drug dealers away to prison or puts them on death row. If he catches you with one ounce of weed, he'll flip. If he even catches you touching me, I think he'll go ballistic."

He tucked one of my hairs behind my ear, and his voice got real velvet like. "I'll take care of it baby girl. I mean, hell, if worse comes to worse, I know a guy named Saul who'll defend me real good. I told you this in the beginning, parents don't like me."

I looked into his emerald pool eyes.

"Promise me you'll try to behave."

Jesse loved when I knew he was acting rebellious and bad, so he smirked.

"No promises. I'm too sneaky and unpredictable." He was soaking this up.

"We all know how tough you are mr bad boy, but right now you need to unpack your stuff." I winked at him.

He kissed my cheek and started setting all of his stuff up.

Once again, I just sat there and watched him. I traced his hands and fingers in my mind. Every movement he made I watched closely. How he folded his t shirts, plugging in his video game console, hanging up hangers. Every movement connecting to the next. He was so smooth and delicate. With every breath he took, he looked so concentrated and focused.

This was the Jesse no body else would ever see. Sweet and soft, light as a feather. His interior and exterior didn't match up. He puts up these walls, posing as a bad guy. But really he just wants what everyone else wants. To be loved. That's what I was here for. To mend together his broken pieces and melt away his sorrow. It was in that moment that I realized, I love him.

Should I tell him?

Is it too soon?

What if he doesn't feel the same way?

Shouldn't the guy say the big I love you first?

"Dinners ready!!" My mom yelled from the kitchen, interrupting my thoughts.

"Just in time. What'dya think, Dyl?" I looked at his room.

His face lit up with excitement when I said he did a good job. It's like my approval was the only thing that mattered.

I led him towards the dining room table, holding his hand.

He stared at the feast before him. Well in all realness it was rice, sausage, onions, and peppers, but Jesse probably hasn't had a home cooked meal in years.

My dad held out the chair for my mom and I watched Jesse analyze their mannerisms. He looked at me as if to say, okay I'm really gonna try to impress your parents.

He held out my chair for me and when I sat down he wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me for a little longer than 7 seconds, just to rub it into my dads head that Jesse could be a gentleman and be a bad boy.

When Jesse sat down my mom cleared her throat. "Jesse, would you like to say grace?"


I looked at my boyfriend, hoping he knew what that was.

"Excuse me?" He asked.

"Grace, darling. Would you like to do the honors?" Jesse picked up his fork.

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