Interview with the Lovely Lydia161290

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  I was lucky to get an opportunity to interview the lovely Lydia161290 who is the author of 'Tomorrow and Forever' and the amazing horror novel 'His To Keep'. In this interview, Lydia has spoken a little about herself and her books TAF and HTK.

   So sit back and enjoy the interview...


About you:

1. Can you maybe describe yourself in a sentence or two?

I am a very live now type of person. I enjoy going with the flow, taking things as they come. I have an imagination that sometimes even scares me. Writing is my stress ball. I’ve been told I sound posh when I’m angry. In another life, I was definitely a cat and I have a huge crush on Joseph Gordon-Levit.

2. How do you feel when you see the number of fans you have constantly increases?

I feel very happy, I’m glad people are enjoying my books enough to fan me. It makes me want to work harder with my writing and produce new material.

3. Are you a Wattpad addict?

Self-confessed! Addicted since 2010 and still going strong. Wattpad is my master.

4. What inspires you to write?

Everything really, books, movies, music, friends, life…even showering apparently.

5. Who do you think is your biggest fan?

Not sure who my biggest is, but I have a stalker twin. The lovely Cold_Lady19. ;)

6. One Perk and Fault about Wattpad?

Perk: You’re able to share your books with people who enjoy reading. Fault: Popularity is too important on Wattpad, people are only writing for that purpose and you can tell.


Your works:

For TAF:

1. What inspired you to write TAF?

It was such a long time ago, I think it was just a spare of the moment type of book. It was my first book and I just wanted to see what I could do on Wattpad.

2. Did you know from the beginning how the story was going to progress?

No, not with this one. Everything I wrote in that book was spare of the moment. I thought of everything at the time. I can’t write a planned book, it bores me. I think of a bunch of scenes I want to happen and work towards them.

3. Did you ever get a writer's block for this story?

No actually, I’m surprised at how quick I wrote it. Which shows, because it’s badly written haha (currently editing it)

4. How long was this plot in your mind?

Very long actually. I was going to turn it into a series until I pulled the plug on it because I wanted to work on other things. I am fixing the book so that when it ends, it ends without any questions.

5. Which was the most difficult chapter/scene you had to write for this book?

I found the whole Stockholm Syndrome (falling in love with your kidnapper) very hard to write. The scenes with Mires/Elle/Nathan triangle. Since going back over it with editing, I’ve been thinking to myself ‘God almighty woman, you wrote that?’  At the time I liked the whole idea, but now I think it’s pretty sad. 

6. And finally, Team Nathan or Team Mires?

If you would have asked me this last year, I would have said Mires. But since I’ve started editing, I prefer Nathan. Why? Because he was always himself, he always showed Elle his true colours. And heck, I love me a bit of Henry Cavill.


For HTK:

1. This novel is amazing! How did you come up with such an idea?

Thanks. Well, the idea stemmed from TAF. I was almost finished TAF when I had an epiphany or something. I realised I wanted to do better and that I could write better than I was doing. I wanted good vs evil. Innocence vs sins. I wanted to write a better horror/romance with developed characters in a more realistic plot. I’m not saying it’s perfect, HTK needs editing too, but overall, it was just something I wanted to prove to myself. The content in the story is once again all made up on the spot. Because that's how I roll.

2. Father Aaron is one evil and scary person. Can you describe his evilness in one sentence?

He is a deranged, psychotic, wife beating, child abusing, truly horrific devil that has been locked in a cage in my head! No lie. He’s been let loose a few times and has gave me nightmares!

3. Which character do you hate the most in this novel?

John. He knocks me every time the slimy worm.

4. The most difficult chapter/scene you have had to write for this book?

Currently what I’m writing now, the ending. It’s crazy!

5. How many chapters till HTK is complete? I am pretty sure your fans don't want it to end, but they also want to know the climax, like me.

I’m aiming for about three + epilogue. But at this point, I don’t know. Could be more, could be less. I know how I want it to end, it’s getting there that’s being problematic and draining.

6. Any hint on what will happen in the coming chapters?

Just expect some surreal, craziness because half the time I don’t know what the hell I’m writing!

7. Finally, who is your favorite character?


Lydia: Thanks for the interview! :D I enjoyed it. x


Thank you for the interview Lydia, I wish you luck for the coming chapters of HTK and the little bundle of joy that's going to come in your life soon.

~ By Lisa_Summers.


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