Night #9 - Epilogue

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Night Rain

Night #9 - Epilogue

Kisame chuckled deeply as he walked the dry path. Itachi turned to his partner with a slight angle, surprised at the sudden laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" The Uchiha prodigy asked.

Kisame glanced at his Akatsuki comrade and grinned. "I remembered something good." He changed the topic quickly, "It brings back memories coming back here." He glanced around the outskirts of Kirigakure.

The Akatsuki duo was on a mission to the Hidden Mist, where they would be collecting some information on a rogue group they were hired to kill.

"Since we're already here, I want to visit someone. That okay with you, Itachi?" Kisame asked.

"It's fine." Itachi replied. "As long as it doesn't take too long."

"It won't."

Kisame weaved around the familiar streets in where he grew up. He recognised that everything basically stayed the same, but there were a few changes here and there. He saw the strip of houses that he was so familiar with. His lips curled into a small smirk. Walking up to where he remembered his home, he looked to the side and his eyes widened when he saw that the neighbouring house was demolished, broken and destroyed. It was piled up in a disastrous heap.

Itachi raised a brow in confusion. Was this what Kisame wanted to visit? He didn't question it.

Kisame gaped and he blinked a couple of times, turning to see the sides. He definitely knew this was her house. But it was gone? What had happened?

His dark eyes stared around the area, trying to find something, anything. He spotted a bright orange note with something scribbled on it, with a small drawing. It was pinned to a vertically upright piece of wood. When he went closer to inspect it, he laughed out loud.

Itachi followed him and stared at what had made his partner burst out in laughter. His brows jumped as he stared at the horrible miniature drawing of Kisame. He could only tell it was Kisame because of the drawing of Samehada and the gill like features on his face.

"Is that supposed to be me? Ha!" Kisame laughed and ripped the note off from the wood. He read its contents and followed the instructions that were written down.

"How do you know that's trustworthy?" the Uchiha asked.

"The only person who I know draws like her." Kisame chuckled.

Itachi's brow raised in question. He was curious as to why Kisame was taking this time out to visit this person.

Kisame took a few turns and came to an isolated house. It was surrounded by forestry that covered a large area. He glanced around the area, seeing a few houses not too far away. He hadn't been to this area of the village before.

He glanced at the orange note in his hand and nodded to himself that the house in front of him was the one he was led to. Walking a few steps, he walked at an angle so that he could look at the side. He saw a flicker of movement.

Once he reached the house, he observed a woman hanging up white sheets. Her purple hair was long and tied in a high ponytail, swaying gently as she moved. She wore casual clothes that were loose and boyish.

Kisame grinned, recognising exactly who it was. "Long time no see, Amaya."

The female turned to look over her shoulder. Her eyes widened when she saw a cloak adorned with red clouds covering a familiar blue individual. She turned around fully with a shocked expression, her eyes watering.

She was absolutely flowing with happiness. Amaya rushed to Kisame and hugged him tightly, crushing him beneath her hug. Kisame stared at his childhood friend, surprise sketched onto his face. He then laughed and messed up her hair, much like what Sho used to do to them both.

"Took you long enough! Welcome back, Kisame!"

A/N: BEFORE YOU ASK IF IT'S FINISHED -> you can either choose to end it here or read on. There are 2 extras after this "final" chapter, depends on you whether you want to read it or not :3

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