Night #5

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Night Rain

Night #5

"Shut up!" Kisame snapped.

Amaya gave him the most incredulous expression. She blinked a few times, wondering what was happening. Did she say something wrong? Was he angry with her?

"Kisame, is something—" Amaya started.

"No. Nothing's wrong." Kisame pushed past her roughly and stormed off.

"What...?" Amaya just stood there, confusion written all over her face. She rubbed her shoulder after he bumped into her. It was rougher than she had thought.

She watched Kisame walk off. Why is he walking off? Doesn't he want to talk to me?

She couldn't just let it be. She ran after him in a quick burst of speed, catching up in no time. She grabbed his arm firmly and pulled him to a stop.

Kisame turned to the side and pulled his arm from her grasp, frowning at her. "What? Why are you following me?" His tone was sharp and he glared at her with his dark eyes.

"What's the matter?" Amaya's tone was demanding, yet interrogative. Her eyes held his. She searched for anything that could give him away – anything. There was an indecipherable emotion evident in his eyes that perked her curiosity.

"Nothing! Why do you keep annoying me?! I told you to back off already!" He growled lowly through his canine teeth.

Amaya kept her calm. To her, it appeared as if he was reverting back to what he was like before they started hanging out together more. Why was that? What made him change? Did he not like hanging out with her anymore?

"Kisame, something's clearly wrong!" Amaya frowned and took a step forward, closer to the shark boy. He almost flinched at the closeness. "Tell me!"

Kisame sharply inhaled. His hands clenched into fists. His nails dug harshly into his skin and his toes curled. "No!"

"Why not?!" Amaya demanded, her eyebrows knitting together. "We can talk about this!"

"Shut up! Stop annoying me!" Kisame hissed, clamping his hands over his ears. He squeezed his eyes shut. "Shut up, shut up, shut up!"

Amaya stared at him with her mouth agape. He really didn't want to listen to her? suddenly thought of something. Does he not want to talk to me it something else? She observed his expressions. He seemed adamant not to listen to her as of now, but it looked like it was because of something else; like an inner confliction of emotions.

"But what...?" Amaya raised an eyebrow. What could possibly be the reason, if she was correct in her reasoning?

She placed her hands on top of Kisame's, making him open his eyes. She had a focused expression as she pulled his hands from his ears. Neither of them said anything as Kisame stared at a patch of ground to his left.

"Come on, Kisame. Let's go home." Amaya gently tugged at Kisame's sleeve.

He looked up from the ground to his sleeve, then to her. He had an impassive look. He was trying to act angry, and he was angry at a point, but that dissipated. He didn't want to drag an innocent family into his life, where he was sure bloodshed only happened.

"Kisame?" Amaya said softly.

The blue boy didn't say anything as Amaya dragged him by the sleeve to their houses.

Kisame debated whether or not to tell the girl and her father why he didn't want to get so close to them. Did he want to risk it? Would he be viewed as a monster? Would they come to hate him?

Night Rain [Hoshigaki Kisame]Where stories live. Discover now