"It's the truth! And I'm not going to spend all my time trying to convince you that something isn't going on," Naomi exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the process.

"You're fired."

"Wait, what?" The color drained from Naomi's brown cheeks and she felt her breath hitch.

"Mr. Mogul, if I can assure you there is nothing going on between Ms. Riley and I." Still keeping his stare away from Noah, Mr. Mogul said again more elaborately and ruthlessly then before.

"You. Are. Fired."

"No," she said and began to shake her head in denial.

"I'm not leaving."

"You are," he said sternly.

"I have no reason to leave. I did nothing wrong!"

A stream of tears collected in her brown orbs but she fought them back with a couple of blinks. Mr. Mogul started for door but Naomi quickly blocked his path.

"No! You're going to listen to me," she cleared her throat. "I have been nothing but loyal to this company. I have worked my ass off the entire time I've been employed here; working extra hours trying my best to uphold this company's reputation. We've worked as a team day in and out to make this company prosper and reach limits even YOU didn't know it could reach. I earned my position here." Naomi was yelling. "And now you want to fire me? Because you're assuming I'm sleeping with a client? Or better yet is it because you have this STUPID school boy crush on me?"

A mischievous smirk immediately curled onto her full lips. Noah's eyes about popped out of his head at her blunt words and Mr. Mogul remained fixed while his nostrils flared in irritation. Naomi stepped closer to him. She continued,

"I know what you are sir...you're jealous."

For a second Mr. Mogul actually appeared to be taken aback at her sudden change in attitude. She saw his Adam's apple bob up and down while he swallowed deeply. Her walk was deliberately taunting. She came up to his frame about a foot away.

"If you fire me," she whispered. She glided her delicate fingers to the outside of his chest on his suit and gently tapped on the fabric. She heard Mr. Mogul's breath jolt.

"I will bring you down with me." Her hands continued to tap at his chest. "I know too much information about the origin and truth of how this company was built. It would be a shame if, let's say...all that information got leaked."

She dropped her arms to her sides and peered over to Noah who stared at her with his mouth parted and in pure awe. Mr. Mogul's furious glare seeped onto Naomi but she didn't move an inch.

"Don't tempt me, Mr. Mogul."

While Naomi attempted to pivot around she instantly felt Mr. Mogul reach out and clasp his strong hands over her forearm. He squeezed tightly causing Naomi to cry out in pain.

"Let go of me!" she wrapped her hand around his hold and tried to pry her way out of it but he was stronger.

His grip remained and his eyes dove deep into her own but he didn't say a word. He glared into her soul and squeezed with so much aggression and power. In a flash, Naomi felt his hold release and the sound of jagged grunts fill the room. Her mouth fell open at the sight of Noah forcefully enclosing his fingers over Mr. Mogul's neck. She heard a loud thump as she saw Noah push Mr. Mogul into the wall of the other side of the room. He struggled for air. Naomi panicked as she watched Noah squeeze the life out of her boss. It was a side of him she'd never saw and she certainly didn't expect the aggressive behavior. He looked completely zoned to the task at hand. Noah crushed his throat with a great amount of force and Mr. Mogul violently wailed his arms. His face turning different shades of blue. He tried to yank Noah's arms from his now delicate throat but he wouldn't budge. He continued to push the remaining life from his body.

"That's enough!" Naomi shouted but Noah seemed to be lost in a quest for triumph. She sprinted towards him and started to shake him.


Noah blinked seeming to register where the noise was coming from. He released Mr. Mogul and he plopped onto the floor, desperately trying to catch his breath. Noah fixed his gaze on the carpet beneath him.

"I'm sorry Naomi. I don't kn-" he whispered, not looking at either of them. Naomi shook her head in shock. She tried to steady her hoarse breaths but struggled as she glimpsed over at Mr. Mogul. Two of Naomi's colleagues immediately stopped by the door frame with widen eyes. One of them questioned the health of their boss who laid sprawled out on the floor, trying to regain his composure and strength.

"It's alright," Naomi tried her best to mutter in assurance. She was starting to sweat. She noticed that Noah stood content and utterly lost in his thoughts. "He's okay. He's just having a nervous breakdown, that's all," she said again with diction. This time it must have been convincing because the two hesitated for a moment but ended up cautiously walking away while muttering something under their breaths.

"We have to get out of here," she whispered hastily, reaching for her things.

Naomi handled Noah by the arm and the two rushed out of the tall building.


Hi guys! This chapter definitely held a lot of different emotions and feelings for Naomi but I'm truly excited about where this story is heading. On that note, I've been religiously watching HTGAM and I must say, I've gotten some inspiration >:) haha

But please help your girl out and like, comment and share if you loved this chapter and enjoy this story and if you don't...uh...why are you still here? lmao

Happy reading!!

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