Chapter 8

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Before we get into the good stuff...

Please don't forget to follow me here on Wattpad! I'm following back all accounts starting today. (: I also decided that I'm going to discipline myself, and strive to post a new chapter every Friday, to somewhat create some consistency (I damn near need it lmao).

But other than that, don't forget to like, comment, and share if you like this chapter and I will see you next update!!


Naomi took a few minutes inside the bathroom to gather herself once again. The night was definitely turning out to be the opposite of what she expected but she had to stay positive. Not only for the sake of her clients, but as well as her own peace of mind. After short pep talk and retouch of her makeup, she casually waltzed out the door frame. She wanted to appear unfazed by all the chaos her boss caused. And she promised herself she would do her best to fake it. Naomi strutted down the hallway. It was dim and the walls were painted a deep red. A few paintings hung side by side, which complemented the space well. An artificial plant stood lonesome in the corner that gave the walk way a better feel. As she rounded the corner into the ballroom, she was instantly met with a pair of hypnotizing eyes, intriguingly studying her. It was Noah. He stood there dangerously handsome, with his hands shoved into the pockets of his pant suit. He appeared to be so untouched to Naomi. Nothing ever seemed out of place. A knot scrunched up in her stomach. Why does this man always look so damn good? Naomi tried to block out the plethora of inappropriate images that were starting to form, and she cleared her throat,

"Oh, hello Mr. Alexander."

Naomi forced out her professionalism. She reminded herself to continue to use his last name, to not confuse where they stand. She wanted to end the conversation as soon as it started. She couldn't trust herself around this man. So, she attempted to move past him but he maneuvered in a position to block her path.

"I saw you run into the bathroom after that whole predicament. Is everything alright?" he asked in a genuine tone, maintaining intense eye content.

"Oh no, I'm okay," she tried to shrug it off. It would be unfair to drag Noah into all this mess. She shifted, and tried moving past him again but failed, as he stood in her way once more.

"Are you sure?" His gaze was penetrating. He could see right through her. Sensing her uncertainty, Noah reached for her shoulder and rubbed his fingers along the fabric of her dress, and tried to comfort her. Instead, his touch immediately shot signals of awareness to Naomi, and her body become alert. His touch felt nice, and had a familiar feeling to it. His sincerity shocked Naomi. She hadn't expected him to be so caring. She didn't want to break the sudden contact but knew she had to. Naomi stepped out of his grasp, and she started to speak. Her first sentence came out as a nervous stammer,

"I'm fine, thank you Mr. Alexander," she flashed him a sweet smile.

"But what are you doing here? You're supposed to be with your date."

"She's still sitting at our table," he shrugged. The statement was flat and uninterested.

"I wanted to check on you."

Naomi's throat went dry.

"I appreciate it, but please don't worry about me. Go enjoy your night."

"Why shouldn't I?" he challenged her. His tone was deep, and sexy and shot butterflies in her stomach.

When he noticed an unreadable expression spread on her face, he quickly added,

"Well you are my match-maker after all."

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