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Kathryn's POV
"Yeah.. Sorry again about that. The boys and I were trying to listen to our new album-"

"At almost midnight?" I ask.

"Yeah. It's a tradition with every album we finish. I apologize-"

"Yeah.. no." I glance at him as I say so, then look to the window.

"Why?" He chuckles a bit.

"I can't go to sleep and I have an interview tomorrow.." I start.

"Maybe I can help you out with that?" He smirks.

"You're cheeky." "That's my job." He looks down, smiling.

How can someone not fall for this? Now I understand why so many people love him.

"Interview?" He asks briefly staring at his hands then back to me. "Yeah. It's for Teen Vogue which I can't believe is happening. I'm so thankful that my manager could pull it off." I smile.

"Yes. Of course. Congratulations about that. Claire has her ways." He gives me half a grin. He looks uncomfortable right as he said Claire's name.



I never told him the name of my manager. I never even told him I had a manager. I look at him again and I could see it in his eyes that he knew he said the wrong thing.

"Mhm. Right." I say. Something is definitely wrong. Why couldn't he just tell me that he knew her instead of lying to my face?

I'll let it go.

"Anyways, where's the rest of the boys?" I say to change the subject.

He answers quickly. "They're out tonight, drinking and celebrating.. Julian and I are taking one last listen to this album."

I nod. "Want to have a listen?" He asks, walking towards his MacBook on the counter.

"Sure. Kylie would be crying if she was here.." I say and he laughs.

"There's actually one song that I really wanted trumpets in.. But I guess it's up to you if it should."

"Me? Why me?" "You have good opinions.." He starts.

Nice answer.

"I'm not too good with choosing." I say. He mumbles something and I quickly look at him.

He really needs to speak up.

"Hm?" He nervously looks to the wall and begins to play the song.

I walk closer to where he is and listen as the guitar begins the song and notice as Harry's fingers tap on the counter.

Niall starts the song. I know I said that I didn't listen to their music but Kylie always blasts her music in the car whenever she has the chance.

I nod along to the beat. This song is a bit of a Beatles feel. I like it. I smile, remembering my brother because he loves the Beatles. He loves the classics. Then Harry begins to sing the chorus.

Harry nervously looks at me and I give him an assuring nod.

Once it gets to the second chorus after his solo. He turns the music down and then suddenly an orchestra starts playing along with the music then he points to his laptop.

"Imagine trumpets at this part.."

I nod and he turns the volume up.

He really wants trumpets. I don't blame him. It's missing something at the coda.

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