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   Michael's cheeks were red and my hair was matted but our hands were intertwined as we ran inside Calum's house, loud laughter following us inside. Nobody seemed to mind that it had started to rain and that the bonfire was ruined, except maybe Calum a little bit. It wasn't until we got inside that one of the girls realized that we left the beer outside and sent Ashton out to retrieve it, and everybody was laughing again at how ridiculous this was.

The party didn't seem to die down, instead we headed onto Ashton's porch, the top sheltering us from the rain, sharing cigarettes. 

I sat on Michael's lap again, his breath hot against my neck, and his grip around my waist tight. He would lean away from me as he smoked, making sure to blow the smoke away from my face. Calum watched us with an amused look, and when I looked at him as if to question it, he just laughed.

I became a little more comfortable knowing I was going to start school soon, and would be going with a few of the kids from here. They weren't terrible, at least. I was happy that I got to know some of them a little better.

We had to leave earlier than everyone else, as I had to be home by a certain time. Michael and I left with smiles on our faces, and everyone calling goodbyes from the  porch.  

It was honestly one of the first times I had met other people around this new town, apart from Michael or Calum. I kind of looked forward to starting school. 

Once home, Michael stopped by my house despite living right next to me, to drop me off. He leaned out of the drivers window as I got out, motioning for me to come closer.

"That was fun." He says, smiling. He looks tired though, as if he hasn't slept at all for the past few days. 

"Yeah, I had fun."

"It wasn't as bad as you had thought it would be?"

I shake my head no, leaning forward to hug him, but he leans forward instead (the best he could through the window of a car) and our lips connect.

And when I went inside and looked out of the window of my bedroom, Michael could be seen in his bedroom, getting ready for bed. 

I watch for a few minutes, a tired smile on my face, and then he looks up. He waves, and then pulls his curtains shut. 


this is kinda a filler but the next chapter is going to be good so :-) 

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