twenty two

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  It's June and I'm sitting cross legged on the table of the coffee shop. Calum  is sitting in the chair beside me (I could tell it annoyed him that I was sitting on the table, but ignored his frustrated sighs). 

It was quiet as I sipped on my bitter coffee, the air tense. I knew he wanted to ask me about Michael. I hoped he wouldn't.

"So..." He starts quietly, looking up. He's supposed to be closing the shop (nothing had changed). "Two weeks until you graduate, right?" 

I nodded, taking another sip of the dark drink. Call me cheesy, but this wasn't how I expected my senior year to go. While I had met and made lots of new friends, it was weird without Michael. AndI hated it so much. I hated how much I missed and depended on that dumb boy and I hated that I didn't want to be happy without him.

"It's going to be okay." He then says, as if he knew what I was thinking. 

I left a few minutes later, after being kicked out (Calum insisted he needed to finish closing but I knew he felt uncomfortable talking about Michael. He missed Michael as much as I did).

  I drove home, the air cold and silent. I just wanted to be happy, but I missed Michael so much. It was sad how I let myself get so infatuated with him, let him mean so much to me. But no matter how much I tried to forget about him, everything reminded me of him. His locker at school, now empty taunted me whenever I walked by. His friends who I went to school with were a constant reminder. His house, the empty house beside me just reminded me it was empty. He was gone.

  Home was the same. Boring. I went through my routine. I said goodnight to my parents, kissed my mothers cheek, went to my bedroom. I couldn't look out my window and come face to face with Michael in his room, like I normally would. 

Before going to bed, I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to Michael. A quick "love you" and went to bed with hopes that he would answer me overnight.

hey u guys. get this. a muke fic that takes place during the zombie apocalypse ??? im almost done with this story and im feeling inspired, so im thinking thats what i'll write over the summer?

neighbors//mukeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ