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       my new cover is made by @postermgc !! she also makes covers (she has a book for them on her page) check them out! i really love it (if you still want to make me a cover, i'll gladly accept it bc i'll use it later!) 

The night ended on a happy note. Michael bought a few things (a red bull, and a few snacks), and I watched him carefully the whole time. 

Watching Michael from my windows was a whole different experience than actually talking to him.

It was as if, you watched them, and they seemed so perfect from far away. A person, without any flaws, but up close everything is uglier. 

Michael constantly seemed to have something else on his mind. If you said something that embarrassed him (or something he wanted to avoid) his cheeks flushed bright red. Like, really red. His hands fidgeted a lot, and he had a habit of biting his lip. Sometimes he would zone out, and not answer me at all. It was as if I wasn't prepared for Michael to not be completely perfect.

I was okay with that though. 

We drove home with the local pop station playing loudly. Michael sang along and made jokes with me, but I knew something was on his mind. I considered asking him about it, but decided against it. 

I wanted to be the kind of person who would make Michael forget these kind of things. To make him happy. It was kind of creepy honestly. 

Michael dropped me off in front of my house, turning down the radio as I opened the door. 

"Have a good night,  Luke," He smiles. "It was really cool hanging out for once. We should do it again."

His words replayed themselves in my mind as I walked up the concrete pathway, to my house. They replayed themselves as my parents scolded me for being out without telling them (I could tell deep down they were secretly happy. I barely went out. I just had to tell them next time.) And they replayed themselves as I went into my room to get ready for bed. 

I turned on the light in my room, and looked out the window. My shades were up, and I could see Michael's room. It was empty and dark. 

I was just happy there was no more yelling. 


i promise u guys the next update will be really long ok be prepared 

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