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    It was twenty minutes later when Michael pulled into a path by the woods. He drove far, far away from the bustling city and from all of the noise. I knew this place. People, mostly from our city, came here to hike or clear their minds. I had once considered coming out here, but when I was young I read a lot of horror books, and they seemed to ruin that whole feeling. Nothing good came out of going there alone. 

"We're going to walk from here," Michael gets out of the car, beckoning me towards him. 

"Isn't it going to be dark soon?" I ask. I hated to be that person. The worrier. But it had to be asked. 

"It's not far," Michael smirks. "Scared?"

"You know I worry a lot.'' I shrug, and start following him. 

The woods were muggy and green. Full of tiny insects and squirrels, but it was mostly quiet. The  greenery was somewhat comforting, as I watched Michael's dark figure walk in front of me.

Michael was right though. It only took about five minutes of silent (and slightly awkward, but that's how everything with me was) walking to get to what he wanted me to see. 

A tree house. 

This seemed like something that only came out of books. But i t was th ere, I could see it. A pale treehouse, bleached and warped from all of the rain and sitting out in the sun. A set of wooden rails led up to the landing, it seemed to be well built. It didn't seem to be hidden that well, yet it looked as if people hadn't been here recently.  

"Isn't it cool?" Michael asked, and I couldn't help but notice how young he sounded when he said that.  And happy. I nodded, entranced in Michael. His dark lips curled upwards into a smile, as he ran a hand through his hair. I liked it when Michael was like this. When he was happy. All of that stressing and smoking made him seem much older than he was. 

"I found it when I was fourteen," He starts, still staring and not making a move to go up the rungs of the ladder. "It seems kind of out in the open, right?" I nod again. "But it seems like nobody has been there since then. I used to come here a lot, but it's been like 3 months since the last time."

I've lived here for about three months. 

"It's been here for a long time thought. You can just tell."

"Let's go up?" I finally suggest, rubbing my sweaty hands on my black jeans. "You first."

Michael starts up the ladder, which despite being there for a long time seemed sturdy enough.

The tree house wasn't fancy or anything. It only had one room. That one room was littered with beer cans and Cheetos wrappers, and a variety of empty packs of cigarettes. I wondered which ones were from Michael. A lone mattress sat in the corner, and it made my stomach ache as I wondered who slept there. Maybe Michael when he was desperate for an escape. Or a teenager, who didn't know where to go. Or teenagers who just came up here to have fun. Or any young couples, who no doubt had sex on it. It seemed kind of gross, but cool at the same time.

"It seems like whoever came here before I found it made a mess," He notes. "Some of it's from me. But not a lot."

"The cigarette packets?" I ask bitterly. 

"Like half of them." Michael sits on the stained mattress, pushing the single tattered blanket on the floor. I could tell he was waiting for me to sit, but i took my time in making my way to him. Even though it was half, that was still a lot. 

I sit next to Michael, the bed springs creaking under us. I notice a small circular window across from us, and I could just barely see the sun going down. 

"I used to come here a lot, right? I think I mentioned that, but anyways I was like fourteen. My mom wasn't always dating the guy she's dating now, but then it was someone else. His name was Rob. I hated him so much," He shudders, and I guess at what he's hinting at. "I came here to get away a lot. It pissed my mom off a lot, but I had to. I hated the way Rob's cigarattes smelled in our musty living room, and his trashy friends." 

"That really sucks." He nods in agreement. 

"I mean I started smoking too. Maybe he influenced me, but I'm careful to not smell. I really despite that smell. And then my mom had some kids and got a rich boyfriend,and we got a nicer house. And at least he knows how to wash himself. So things are kind of better?I at least  like my siblings. They're cute."

"They are." I honestly hated kids, but said this anyways.

It was darker now. The darkness settled over the treehouse, and Michael inches closer. I can hear more outside now. The sound of cicadas echoed around the woods and I could smell a fire burning in the distance. 

All of a sudden Michael's hand is placed over mine, his warm palm sheltering mine from the wind that was quickly getting colder, and the treehouse didn't offer much protection. 

He didn't say anything, we just sat in silence, and I wiggled my fingers.

"Is this okay?" Michael asks.

Instead, I started squirming. Ever since the other night I felt uncomfortable.

"I went to go see Calum the other night." I state.

"Oh yeah? What did he say?"

"We drank coffee for a bit and he told me he thought you were selfish."

Michael laughs. The laugh surprises me, as it's loud and sharp. Not how he usually laughed, how he put his whole body into it. It was a bitter laugh. 

"And I saw you that night, with a girl."

I don't know why I said it. It wasn't as if Michael owed me anything, or as if he was interested in me. It was a stupid thing to bring up. I cringed at how needy and whiny I sounded. Why was I like this?

"She's just a friend from school. I don't even consider her my friend, but Robyn was being a bitch to her and she wanted some advice."

"Who's Robyn?"

"My Ex Girlfriend. But that's all she is. An ex. But I guess the girl-her name is Cassie by the way, just thought I could help her out. It's complicated. Robyn is complicated"

I was taken by surprise. Again. What was he trying to say?

All I could do was nod, feeling confused and stupid once again. 

"And I'm not really selfish. Calum is an idiot. "

Now I laugh. This was all so ridiculous. We were sitting in the now dark treehouse, on a damp mattress, having the most awkward conversation. While holding hands. 

"But anyways, let's not talk about that more." Michael's grip strengthens, and I feel him move closer to me. I can't see anything in the dark, but I can feel his damp breath on my neck, and one of his hands move to my waist. Was this really happening?

"I thought you liked girls. You said Robyn was your ex girlfriend?" I said, interrupting the moment. Once again, I had to fuck up. 

"I'm pansexual, you dumbass." Michael laughs and finally breaks the distance between us, his lips on mine, and I was in heaven. This was happening.


woow this is so awkward lmao

U GUYS comment some ideas for halloween costumes/or what ur going as !! halloween is so soon im so excited but have no idea on what im doing

also idk if i mentioned this but i have a michael short story up !! its on of my favorite things that i've written so u should check that out :-) 

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