Chapter 6: Usa-Ko-La

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It was Monday, the day of their first meet. Stella and Akiko waited for Usagi in the dance room. As they were stretching, Stella asked, "What song are we gonna do for the competition?" "Headmistress gave me a CD of a song we could do, but we have to make all song and dance decisions with Usagi-chan." Just then, Usagi came into the room. "Ohayo!" Usagi said walking towards them. "Ohayo!" The girls said back.

After they stretched, Akiko played the song for Usagi and Stella to hear. "This song is great for all three of us!" Stella said. "Yeah! It has the Cool, Sweet, and Spice for each of us." Usagi said. "So we agree on this to be our competition song?" "Yes!" Stella and Usagi said at the same time. Then Stella went to Johnny Bepp to see if he was gonna be able to teach them the dance moves for the song.

Meanwhile, Akiko and Usagi learned the lyrics. Stella opened the office door to see Johnny talking to Headmistress about something that sounded important. "Excuse me?" Stella said quietly. Headmistress looked at Stella and said, "Oh, sorry. What do you need Stella?" "Well, I actually needed to talk to Johnny-sensei about something." "What do you need, Stella-honey?"

"Could you teach Akiko, Usagi and I the dance moves to our song?" "Gomen. I can't. I have to talk with Headmistress about something." "Oh." Stella said disappointed. Right before she left, Johnny said, "I can give you the DVD. It shows you all the moves, but you're gonna have to teach them to the others. Do you think you can take on that responsibility?" "I believe so." Stella said.

Then Johnny reached into his bag for the DVD and gave it to Stella. "Make sure you win 1st." "Arigato!" She took the DVD and went back to the studio. She gave it to Usagi to play on her laptop. They watched the video a couple times before trying to do the moves themselves. "Who should be the girl in the center?" asked Usagi.

After 10 seconds of silence, Akiko said, "Stella should." "What?" "You seem the most capable to fit as the center of attention. How about it?" "I guess." Stella said. "I'll be on your right and Usagi will be on the left." Akiko said.

Once they got into their places, Stella clicked play and they started following each of the other dancers on the screen.

After about 2 hours of practicing, they took a 10 minute water break. "Good job guys. All we have left to do is the chorus." Akiko said breathing heavily. "We still have to do the dance without looking at the dancers on the laptop, though." Usagi said. "It's only Monday. We have until Saturday to learn the entire dance, song, and special that I say it aloud, it sounds like a lot of work."

Akiko took a huge sip of water then said, "It doesn't take that long to learn the words. Usagi and I already learned most of the words when you got the DVD from Johnny-sensei. We can teach you later." "We can practice doing the special appeal on Wednesday or Thursday." Stella added. "Okay. Let's finish the chorus." Usagi said.

They were done with the dance by 2:25 p.m. "We have 35 minutes to do anything." Stella said. "How about we go to the cafeteria and get something to eat?" Usagi suggested. "Sure." Akiko responded. In the cafeteria, Stella got three donuts covered in blue frosting and purple sprinkles. Akiko got an ice cream sundae with pink and yellow sprinkles. Usagi got a slice of chocolate cake with hot pink frosting.

As they ate their food, they wondered about their group. "So what about our group name?" Stella asked. Usagi and Akiko almost choked on their food when they heard that question. "We're gonna have to give the competition announcer a name by Friday, so we have to start trying to come up with one today." Akiko said. After they finished their food, they had about 20 minutes left, before Usagi had to go back to Dream Academy.

They went to Stella and Akiko's dorm. There they started to think about trio names. "Oooh! How about 'Starlight'?" Usagi asked. "That sounds too general. We should have a unique name." Stella said. "Could we use 'Soft Ballad'?" asked Akiko. "Not that unique." Stella said. "We need something like 'Powa-Powa Purin' or 'Vanilla Chili Pepper'."

They thought about it for awhile then Stella said, "Usagi, do you remember when you said that our song had the Cool, Sweet, and Spice that matches each of us?" "Yeah?" "We should have a name that combines each of us like, 'Vanilla Chili Pepper'." Stella said. "This sounds a bit weird, but how about 'Usa-Ko-La'? I combined a part of each of our names."

Akiko and Usagi looked at each other and Akiko said, "That's sounds pretty good." "Sure, it's a little different from most other trio names, but maybe 'different' is what we need to win."

"So you guys like the idea?" Stella asked. "Yeah!" Usagi and Akiko said at the same time.

Then it was time for Usagi to go. "Tomorrow we'll practice dancing without the video." Akiko told Usagi as she was leaving. Akiko taught Stella some of the words for the song for the rest of the day.

At night, Stella asked Akiko, "What are we gonna do if we win the competition?" "I guess we'll become famous and we might go on tour."

"That'd be great." Stella said as she chuckled and drifted off to sleep.

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