Chapter 5: The Trio Part 2

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When Akiko got to Dream Academy, she went straight to Headmistress Yumesaki. She took a deep breath and knocked on the office door. "Come in!" Ms. Yumesaki said cheerfully. Akiko walked into the room with her face scrunched up. "Aren't you Minami Akiko? From Starlight Academy?" Headmistress Tiara asked. "Yes." Akiko said quietly as she scrunched up her face even more.

"What's wrong?" Headmistress asked. "I just really want you to say yes to the question I'm about to ask you." "Well, ask me." Headmistress said. Akiko sighed. "At Starlight Academy they're having a special Trio Competition and Stella and I want to take part, but we need a third member. I asked everyone at Starlight, but they said they were already in a trio or they didnt want to participate. Headmistress Orihime said that we are allowed to have one member from another academy, and so I came here. Will you please allow one of your students to join our trio??" Akiko questioned.

Headmistress thought about it for a few seconds then said, "Well, it seems as if you really want to be in the competition. So, yes." "Thank you so much, Headmistress Yumesaki!" Akiko said happily. "Make sure to tell me which student you pick." She shook Headmistress' hand and took off.

Akiko walked through the halls slowly, looking for the perfect student for the trio. Someone who would fit in easily. She saw a girl, with long black hair and light brown eyes. She walked up to her and said, "Hi! I'm Minami Akiko and I am looking for a third person to join a trio with Yoshihara Stella and I. Would you like to join?" "Sorry, I'm about to go on tour tomorrow." She said. "It's okay. Thanks, anyway."

"This is gonna be harder than I thought." Akiko said. For a whole hour, Akiko walked through the halls of the school. She then got a little hungry and went to one of the vending machines. She bought a lunchbox filled with different types of snacks. As she bit her apple, she thought about where she could find a hard-working student would want to be in their trio.

Then she said, "The track!" She closed her lunch and ran as fast she could to the track. There were quite a few students running, drinking water or stretching. Akiko exhaled and walked to some of the students who were drinking water. "Excuse me, I would just like to know if any of you want to join my trio." The girls looked at each other then shook their heads.

Akiko saw a girl with navy blue hair. She was running, so Akiko had to catch up to her. "Do you...wanna join... my trio?" asked Akiko as she was running. "No, thanks! I already ate." The girl said. "No! I said.... trio!" "I'm not hungry!" she said. Akiko noticed that one of the girl's earphones were out. She pulled out the other one then said, "Would you like... to join... my trio?!" "Not really."

Once Akiko heard those two words, she fell straight onto the track. She had to roll over onto the grass so that the other runners wouldn't trip over her. She lied there and thought, "Maybe if I just stay in the hallway and ask some more, someone will wanna join." Akiko was 75% sure that nobody would want to join, but she decided to try anyway.

She sat down on the bench asking people, who went by, if they would like to join, but she had no luck. After 30 minutes, Akiko stopped trying to persuade the students. She just sat there with a tired/sad face. After 2 minutes, she got up and was ready to go back to Starlight Academy, when someone asked her, "Are you Minami Akiko?"

"Yes..." Akiko said. "OMG! I loved your performance with Yoshihara-san. You did great!" "Thanks....Oh, Stella and I are actually creating a trio for the Trio competition. Would you be our third member?" "YES!" "Okay. The competition is next Saturday, so we have plenty of time to practice. Our first meet will be in two days, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m." After Akiko explained everything to her, she was about to leave until she turned back around and asked, "What's your name?"

"Akiyama Usagi." She said with a grin on her face.

"See ya' Usagi-chan!" Akiko hollered as she was leaving Dream Academy.

When Akiko got back to Starlight, she told Stella about how she found a third member for the group. "What?! We can't make a trio." "I just did. Our first meet is on Monday." "But, we have to go versus Luminas and Soleil!" "And if we do?" Akiko asked. "We'll lose." "We have to try. Don't you think Ichigo-senpai and Akari-san lost a few times before they became famous?"

"Yeah, bu-" "Stella, please?" Akiko begged. "Okay..." "Thank you!" Akiko hugged Stella as she laughed.

"So what is Usagi like?" Stella asked. "We didn't really speak that much about ourselves, but she looks like a girl who puts a lot of effort into her work. We'll all get to talk more on Monday." After a few seconds, Akiko realized that she hadn't told Ms. Yumesaki about Usagi. She told Stella she had to go and ran out the door.

Aikatsu! Stella, the IdolUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum