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I woke up, feeling like I had been hit by bricks. I looked around and seen I was still in English class and there were talking about the overview of the book.

Great, I was dreaming that my teacher was my brother again. I wonder why I keep having this same dream,it's not like he's been looking for me.

Scratch that it's not like he really cares for me, if he did then he would be here right now and not living it up somewhere in this world.

My thoughts were interrupted by a hard tap upon my shoulder, I turned slightly to see Wisdom looking at me with a worried look in his eye.

I shook my head at his antics and mouthed a quick 'I'm alright'. He responded with a 'are you sure', and I nodded. After being reassured I was okay he went back to writing in his song book.

(Or as I like to call it, his poetry book)

I always had a small admiration for Wisdom, he was cute in his own way and he was very smart plus, he kinda was my boyfriend once upon a time but, things didn't work out like I thought.

Suddenly the bell rung indicating that homeroom was over. I grabbed my books and my bag and began heading towards the door for second period.

While walking I felt someone staring at me not bothering to look I let it go until I heard my name being called by a deep by familiar voice I know all too well.

"Tanise! Wait up!"

At this moment I turned back to see Brandon jogging towards me with a smirk on his face driving all the thirsty girls crazy.

I rolled my eyes physically and mentally at him and the girls.

"What do you want?" I spat at him while walking faster.

"Damn, can you slow down first?" He was completely out of breath still trying to keep up with me.

"No, now what do you want?"

"Whats up with this attitude of yours? I'm not used to this." He licked his dry crusty lips while looking down at me.

"I don't have attitudes, if you rub me wrong I just don't fuck with you anymore. Especially if you act like you forgot who have been you're real friends been from the beginning. "
I shrugged my shoulders and continued walking to class.

"Tanise! Stop man, I'm trying to talk to you for real." Brandon kept up his pace with her.

"For why?!?! Its been exactly 3 1/2 years since you've been up here living la viva high school and forgot who was really down for you, who really had your back til the end,and who really lov- never mind. Just leave me alone man continue doing you."

I walked away from Brandon and heading for my second period.

This the bull I have to deal with for another year. I'm used to it though, no one understands how much I really had to go through in my life not even Shantie.

Life hasn't been the best to me. I've lost basically my whole family when I was merely three years old and I've lost my only piece of family left three months ago. Not only that but, I would get molested by my uncle's 'homeboy' when my grandmother needed to work he would come over and watch me which never ended good for me.

Eventually, as time went on he ended up dying from being involved in a gambling game gone wrong, I can't say I wasn't happy cause I was but, it is what it is.

Back to reality,I arrived to my second class of the day and was relieved that I was the first person in the room.

I walked to the front of the classroom and pulled out my materials for class. I became bored and decided to lay me head on desk.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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