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August 27, 2014
First day of school

6:35 a.m.

I woke up to my mama's favorite song, " I miss you ," by the late and great Aaliyah. Wow, I just can't believe it's been eleven years since I have last seen my mama, daddy, Zulu and Zay. It was also the last time seeing jerm. He left without a single trace of where he was going. All I could remember about Jeremy is that he sent a letter to my grandmother stating that he was okay and that he would come back soon to get me away from here but, that was almost ten years ago.

I remember I would wait for him almost every single day waiting to go with him to have a better life but ended up disappointed at age seven when I figured he wasn't coming back. I didn't too much care for him anymore after that letter so I decided not to think about him. Following that same year my uncle Edward,or Ed as we would called him, was killed by his so called girlfriend Lisa.

I was never fond of her but I was close with her son and daughter who we're older than me at the time, the way he died was horrible and it's still something that's hard for me to talk about which is the same for my parents. But, being with the fact that I learned at an early age not to expect anyone staying in my life cause they always end up leaving me in the end so I distance myself from anyone getting close to me because I always seem to get hurt in the end.

I really don't feel like going to school today, I'm already ahead of the game I'm a junior this year in school because of my 'excellent grades' as my teachers would say other than that I wouldn't be a grade ahead. I'm not the only one though my best friend of eleven years aka Shantie has been skipped to being a junior with me and I couldn't be any happier. She's smart but, she's also very popular something that I tend to stay invisible from I was never fond of attention and I planned to keep it that way.

6:45 a.m.

Time flies so quickly, should I go to school or not is the true question of this morning. At that same moment shantie bust through my room and plopped her self on my bed dressed and ready for school.

"Why aren't you dressed? School is in an hour and you still gotta stop for coffee." She whined.

"I really don't wanna go to school can I just stay home alone today nini pwease? " I tried to cake it with my famous puppy dog eyes but she wasn't having it.

"Uh nice try but, NO I learned to look at the wall when you do that. Go get dressed so we can go." She pointed to the bathroom door and rolled my eyes at her.

"You're so mean,that's why I'm buying me some coffee not yours." I stuck my tounge out at her.

"Mhmm whatever nigga just get dressed plus you know you gone buy my latte." She stuck her tounge out at me and rolled my eyes again.

"That's what you think,meanie. " I mumbled under breath.

"I heard that!"

I laughed and handled all of my hygiene duties and threw on some faded blue jeans and a simple sweatshirt. I slipped on my converse and grabbed my bag and keys.

"Ready?" I asked her.

She nodded and grabbed her bag also we went downstairs and our the house. I locked my doors and headed towards my car and unlocked the doors. We got in and I plugged in my aux cord which almost immediately played D'Angelo "Lady"one of my faves. We rode with my sun roof down and headed towards the coffee shop and got our usual large lattes.

Afterwards we headed off to the place called school and parked.

"Another year of work." Shantie groaned.

"I know right."

As we walked and chit chatted about the outcomes of this year I heard a familiar chuckle I didn't turn my attention to who it was cause I knew who it was

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As we walked and chit chatted about the outcomes of this year I heard a familiar chuckle I didn't turn my attention to who it was cause I knew who it was.

"Tanise, Shantie? Y'all not gonna speak to me?"

I pretended that I didn't hear as shantie stopped and made it her business to talk to him.

"Now Brandon, you know you been on that foolery for almost fours years and now you finally wanna speak. Go suck a big old -" I grabbed shantie before she finish her sentence and pulled her away from him and his clique of morons before she could fuck him up.

"Why did you do that ? I was gonna beat that ass the same way I did back in '03." She huffed

"Cmon it's only the first day let it go we have a while to deal him. Just chill and drink your latte you're not you when you ain't energetic. "

We laughed and went inside as soon as we were inside of the building I seen a man around his late twenties who looked mad familiar in a crazy way. I shook off the feeling of me knowing him and went inside of the class he standing in front of that we we're assigned to. I looked for my seat and seen my schedule to see what I had.

Once everyone finally filled up the room after the bell ranged I seen Wisdom,one of my study buddies also my neighbor seated a few rows away from shantie.

"Good mourning class, my name is Mr. Lo- I mean Mr. Jones I will be your English 3 teacher this year will be no joke in here and I plan that everyone passes this class and use a better vocabulary when you're done here. Today, we will be reading "Tuck Everlasting. " any questions? "

A few people rose their hands.

"Good, grab a book and begin reading."

I mentally laughed at him but then I notice he had a tattoo that my brother Jermey had when I was younger it was a pair of angel wings with my birthday on it. I tried to forget it but something inside me knew it wasn't just irony here.

He later called the role and when he got to my name he seem to seemed shocked but, he later tried to play it off weird. Later the bell rang as gathered my things I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and seen it was Mr. Jones.

"Tanise?" He asked more than stated.

"Yes sir may I help you?" I had a funny feeling.

"Its just that it's been soo... long since I last seen you. I can't believe you're here."

"Excuse me, but what are talking about Mr. Jones?" Now he was making me nervous.

"You don't remember me? Like at all?"

"No I'm sorry?" I was getting a feeling I was gonna find out.

He sighed and his eyes appeared glossy.

" Tanise what I'm going to tell you is gonna shock you."

I really became nervous at this point.

"Well tanise I'm Jeremy, your brother."

When he said that everything went dark. He said what now?

Jermey in mm.

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