Chapter 1

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A/N: I came up with this ridiculous idea to calm myself down after the ending of Neverseen, but it makes a pretty good story, too!

Sophie and Fitz began walking towards the gelato stand when one of the ogling girls stopped them. She had long brown hair that was stick straight and reached her shoulders with piercing green eyes. She looked about sixteen. With a thick American accent she asked, "What are your names?"

The question knocked Sophie back a few steps. First, because this was Florence, Italy and the last thing she expected was someone talking to her in English with an American accent. And second, because what stranger walked up to a person and randomly asked them their name?

"Um," Sophie stalled, trying to think of a fake name. For all she knew, these could be people from the Neverseen in disguise. "Rebecca. And this is John," she replied pointing to Fitz.

The girl frowned. "Huh. Well, sorry. It's just you reminded me of these characters from one of my favorite book. It's called Keeper of the Lost Cities and the characters are called Sophie and Fitz. They're elves. I know it probably sounds weird, but it's an awesome book."

Sophie's jaw dropped. This girl had just described her and Fitz... With their real names. And Keeper of the Lost Cities... Weren't Keepers Telepaths? And didn't elves live in what the humans called "Lost Cities"? Trying to compose herself, she looked back at the girl.

Fitz asked the question that was on her mind without sounding too suspicious. "That sounds like a really good book. What happens in it?"

The girl grinned. "Well, there's three books so far, but the fourth one comes out in a few days. In the first one, Sophie figures out she's an elf. She's a telepath meaning she can read people's thoughts. This elf named Fitz finds her and takes her to Lost Cities and she moves in there. I totally ship her and Fitz!"

Sophie's heart began beating faster. Wasn't that exactly what had happened to her? Taking a deep breath, she asked, "What do you mean by ship?"

The girl's grin became even wider and she even jumped a bit. "Wow you don't know much about fandoms, do you? Well it means I want them to get together, like date. They would make such a cute couple!" She squealed.

Sophie's face turned bright red and she saw that Fitz's had done the same. Still, he asked, "So where do you think we can get these books? They seem really interesting."

The girl pulled out an iPhone and pulled up a picture. It was apparently the cover of a book, but it looked like a cartoon version of her and Dex.

"This guy is Dex. He's a Technopath, meaning he's good with technology," she explained. "My friend totally ships him and Sophie, but personally I think Sophitz is cuter."

The redness on both Sophie and Fitz's faces intensified.

"Anyway," she continued, pulling up a picture of Sophie, Silveny, and Keefe cartoons. "This is book 2. That's Silveny, an alicorn, and Keefe, an Empath. He's my favorite character... I mean, isn't he so hot?" Her face turned dreamy and Sophie had to bite back a laugh.

"And this is the third book," she finished, showing a picture of cartoon Sophie and cartoon Fitz falling from a tower. "See what I mean? You guys look exactly like them! And isn't it so cute how he's holding her? OTP!"

Trying to ignore the last sentence, Sophie started becoming worried. How had her life been transferred into a work of fiction? Before she could ask the girl anymore questions, Keefe, Biana, and Dex walked toward her and Fitz, the obscurer gone.

The girl began hyperventilating. "Oh my gods! You look exactly like Biana. And you look like Dex. And you look like Keefe!" she shrieked, pointing to them.

Biana frowned. "Sophie what's she talking about? We don't look like those people we are those people."

Sophie gave her a "stop talking" gesture, but it was too late. The girl had already noticed.

"Wait... What's going on?"

Before she could complete the sentence, the girl's eyes rolled back and she fell to the ground.

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