"I know I'm not a bad ass," Layne laughed, "I've just played with a lot of OTHER good bands is all."

"Other good bands," Alex snorted, "good one--"

"GROUP TIME!" An old, skinny woman from the PCA station shouted.  "Come on, guys, no excuses this time!"

Alex raised a brow at Layne.  Layne rolled his eyes, "if you quote another one of our songs, I don't care how much bigger you are than me, I WILL beat the shit out of you."

Alex snorted as he followed them into the group room.  "Is that a challenge?" He whispered, taking a seat next to Layne.

Layne turned to Nicky. She was shaking violently, her stick arms wrapped tight around her shoulders & hair covering her face.

"Hey," he muttered over to her, leaning closer.  Her head swiveled over to him, one of those turquoise eyes peeking through the thin locks of her black & dark red hair.  "Are you okay?"

She curled up in her chair, "I'm freezing."

Layne sighed. His eyes landed down at the monstrous gap between her thighs.  She needs to fucking EAT, he thought to himself.  He wrapped one of his arms around her, shocked to see her trembling body curl up closer to him.  He searched around the room, noticing that skinny old woman staring at him. 

"Do you have a sweater or blanket or something?" He asked the woman.  He tilted his head down to Nicky.  "She's...really cold..."

"I'm anemic," Nicky muttered aloud. She shifted even closer to Layne to rest her head against his chest.  "You're so warm..."

Layne smirked, holding her tighter.

"Here," the old woman interrupted the moment, a thin white cloth-like blanket in her hand.  "This should help," she said, watching Layne as he wrapped the blanket around Nicky.  "This should help as well," she continued, nudging Layne who had his arms still around the anorexic.  He looked up at her, noticing there was a yogurt & a plastic spoon in her hand.  He took it & gestured it to Nicky.

She shook her head, her eyes shut tight.  "No way in hell," her meek voice muffled from behind the blanket.  She scooted even closer to Layne, wrapping her arms around him.

He sighed, still holding the yogurt in her face.  "You need to eat," he whispered, eyes filled with concern.  "Please eat..."

"Original strawberry yoplait yogurt...150 calories...2 grams of fat...1 gram SATURATED fat...it's a dairy product," she shuddered. "No. No way in hell."

He sighed, still pushing the yogurt closer to her.  "Nicky, you're nothing but a pile of fucking BONES..."  He peeled off the lid & took a bite.  "I'll eat half, you'll eat the other half, how about that?"

She cuddled closer to him, her head now resting on his concave stomach.  "How about you eat two thirds...then it'll just be 50..."

Layne smiled.  "As long as you eat," he whispered to her, running his hand through her hair.  His eyes widened when he noticed he had accidentally pulled a chunk of hair out of her head.  "Your hair--"

"I know," she muttered.  "Happens every time I get lower than 90."

His heart sank as he turned to glance over at Alex.  He shrugged at Layne, sharing the same concerned expression.  "I've been trying to tell her this past month that she's a stick, she doesn't listen."

"Shut the fuck up Alex," Nicky muttered. Her eyes were fixated on Layne, whom was slowly eating the yogurt.

"I've just been worried about you, EXCUSE me," Alex whined. He yanked the hood of his sweater over his head and kept his gaze at the door to the group room, watching the other crazies and / or addicts walking into the room.

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