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I know the first chapter wasn't that long but I'll try to write longer ones. ((: I was just trying to get the main feel of the story across in the first chapter.
I'll make sure to make this chapter longer, thanks for reading! :D

I didn't think about the rude boy until late that night when I was about to go to bed.

The thing that I want to know the most is why he is so mean.
I mean, I know some people are just rude but why would you voluntarily want to be rude to someone?
I just don't understand.
And he was such a flirt!
He flirted with me, then Penny, then those skanks walking down the sidewalk.
But Penny looked pretty interested in him. Maybe I should tell her to steer clear.
Tell her about how much of a jerk he is.
I'll consider that.
"Claire!" My roommate, Becca, yelled from the bathroom.
"Yeah?" I answered.
"We're out of towels again!"
"Ugh." I groaned under my breath, "One sec!"
I made my way to the laundry room and opened  the drier.
No clean towels. That's just great.

I walked to the bathroom door and said, "None are clean. I'll run to mum's house and grab one of her's."
I faintly heard her say, "Okay" before I walked out of our apartment door with my car keys in my right hand and my iPhone in the other.

I decided to take the stairs down to the parking deck because I've really been lacking in exercise lately.
I should probably join a gym, I'm starting to get a little pudgy.

I got down all four flights of stairs and made my way to my black Toyota Cruiser.

I pulled out and made my way to my mum's place, which was only a couple of minutes away.

I was getting close, so close that I could see my mum's house in the distance.
But then something caught my eye.
There was movement in the small alley beside The Smog Cutter Bar.
I pulled over on the curb, my curiosity getting the best of me.
I didn't went to get out of the safety of my car -because I was a chicken after all- so I just squinted towards the alley and waited for any signs of movement.

After a while of watching, I began to get tired of sitting here.
Just as I began to pull back out onto the road, someone emerged from the shadows of the alley.
He had his back facing me as he starred back into the alleyway, waiting for someone -or something- to accompany him.
I couldn't tell who this man was but he looked oddly familiar, with his perfect blond quiff and long slender -but fairly muscular- body.
I had to admit, from the back, he looked hot.
I couldn't help but wonder if his front was as attractive as his back.

But as he turned around, all of those thoughts fled my mind when I noticed that same lip ring that I had been starring at hours before.
It's stupid player boy.
Soon enough, a curvy blond emerged from the shadows -wearing little to know clothes- and wrapped her hand around his.
He shot her a smirk and she smiled, a sincere smile.
I couldn't help but wonder what he did to get her wrapped around his little finger. She looks absolutely infatuated with him.
But then I also couldn't help but wonder how many girls he was like this with.
Probably more than I could count.
Once they had crossed the road, I slowly pulled out and made sure he couldn't see me as I sped down the road towards my mum's house.

I pulled in her long driveway and began to park in my usual spot, but it was taken.
Who was here at this time of night?
I parked beside the truck and made sure to take my keys with me, in case this truck guy got any ideas.

I should probably hurry up, Becca's probably already air dried by now but I should probably get four or five towels for the next couple days.

I made my way up to the door and I didn't know if I should knock or not.
I decided to just go in since it is my mum's house after all.

I walked in the front door and yelled, "Hey mum! It's me, where are you?"
"The living room!" she yelled back.
I walked into the living room and noticed that my mother was, in fact, not alone.
A guy sat beside her, he had messy blonde hair that was slightly thinning and he was considerably buff.

"Hi, honey. I'm actually glad you stopped by. This is Phil, I've been seeing him lately." She smiled, motioning towards the fellow sitting to her left.
"Hi, I'm Claire." I waved, rather awkwardly.
I've always been worried, ever since my dad left us that my mum would never find anyway to make her happy.
And now that she has someone, I just hope that he's good to her.

"Your mother has told me all about you. She likes to brag over you." He smiled warmly.
I just smiled back at him and took a seat on the couch opposite him and my mum.
"I actually have a daughter about your age"
"Oh, yes." My mother cut in, "She's lovely, I think the two of you would be notably good friends."
"Oh, really? What's her name?" I asked, politely.
"Jasmine." Phil answered with a smug smile.
Before I could answer my mum said, "Oh honey, you just have to meet her! How about you come over for dinner tomorrow night?"
I thought about it for a second and realized that I don't have plans anyway and I get off at 5:00 so I could probably make it in time.
"Sure, that sounds great mum." I grinned.
"Oh and bring Becca along! I haven't seen her in ages!" She beamed.
I just nodded and excused myself to go and retrieve the towels that I came her for, which I'm ninety five percent sure Becca no longer needs.

I got the towels and finally made my way out of my mum's house. My mum is a talker.

I started my car and drove back to the apartment.
I pulled in, grabbed the towels, and stepped out of my car.
I went ahead and got out my keys so I could get into the room quicker.

I smiled at the receptionist as I walked by, he was a nice guy. Along with the other receptionist that works beside him but she's not here today, I guess she took the day off.

Right as I walked around the corner, I bumped into someone.
The person fell against the wall and I fell straight on my bum, dropping my keys in the process. The towels were strewn everywhere.

I felt slightly embarrassed since I fell and the other person obviously had way better balance than me.
I have awful balance and it gets me into this situation a lot.

I was going to just quietly apologize and make my way to the elevator.
But then, the person grabbed my hand and gently pulled me up, causing me to squeal in surprise.
Deep laughter rumbled through the person and I immediately knew it was a guy.
But when I looked up, I saw the one guy I was not expecting to see.

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