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~3 years later~


"Mail's here. We've got Aro, Aro, Aro, Demetri, Marcus, Aro, Aro, Caius, Gretta, and Vera," Santiago announced, handing off the envelope to its owner.

"I have mail?" Vera asked.

"That's what he said. Gosh Vera, you're so slow," Jane sarcastically replied.

"Sorry." Vera replied. I put my arm around her shoulders and she smiled a little.

"Who's it from?" I asked her.

"The Cullens." She said. My face faltered for a second, judging from Caius' confused look. Come to think of it, I've never seen Caius confused, even the slightest bit. He always wore a face of superiority, of strength and bravery. Now, seeing his eyebrows knitted together and his head tilted, it worried me.

I spent so much time thinking about Caius that I didn't even realize Vera had left. I bowed to Aro, Caius, and Marcus, excused myself, and chased after Vera.

"Vera?" I knocked on our door. She opened the door, smiling a little. It suited her and made me smile back and cause my breath to hitch a little. "Who is it from?"

"The Cullens. It's a wedding invitation," Vera spoke. "In September. Bella and Edward want you there, too."

What? I've caused nothing but harm to them, yet they still want me at a wedding? It must be some sort of trap.

"Why would they want me there, Ver?" I asked, sitting on the bed next to her.

"Maybe it's because they know how much I'd want you there?" Vera hesitantly answered.

"Maybe, love." I spoke, kissing the top of her head.


"ALEC! WHERE ARE THE CONTACTS?" Vera called. I walked up behind her and dangled the contacts in front of her face. She sighed and snatched them from, my hands.

"Calm down." I whispered in her ear.

"I can't. What if we're exposed as vampires? What if the Cullens hate me because I never came back to them? What if they try to kill you? What if they don't like you because you're a Volturi?" I stopped Vera's ramblings with a kiss to her lips.

"Sh, we'll be okay. We can always leave early if you don't want to stay." I reassured her.

"I guess."

"Come on, we have to make it to the airport soon." I took her hand, our suitcase, and left Volterra with her.


"I haven't spoken to the Cullens or anyone outside the Volturi for years." Vera mumbled as we walked towards their door. She had my hand in a death grip. I didn't mind though.

"The Cullens seem like people that won't ever forget anyone. They invited you for a reason, and it's probably because they miss you." I answered.

"Hey are you okay with being here? You know, cause they don't like the Volturi much," Vera trailed off. I put down our suitcase and pulled her in for a kiss.

"Don't worry about me. If they say something, I can take it," I answer. She sighs and smiles.

"Okay," she hugs me right before dragging me to the door. I barely grab the suitcase in time.

She hesitates about three times before knocking on the door. Jasper opened the door, and his smile grew about ten times once he saw Vera.

"VERA!" He laughed, pulling her out of my reach and pressing her against him. I was a little upset, but I kept myself in balance. I'm doing this for Vera.

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