I Threw My Hands In The Air And Said, "Show Me Something"

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"Come on! I will break down this door, human! Just let me in!" I hear Jane's voice shout. Ever since she showed me my room, I stayed cooped up in here. Apparently, she knows I haven't eaten since yesterday, when I was forced to stay here. Nobody other than Jane has spoken a word or knocked on my door.

I stay silent.

"Fine, have it your way. FELIX!" Jane shouts, and before I can question her, my door is smashed into pieces by the tall vampire who I remember Aro explain was Felix.

"Come on, Vera! Let's go out. Demetri and us have the day with you!" Felix announces.

"Alec's busy with a mission, so it's just going to be the four of us!" A blonde man with red eyes exclaims. I assume this is Demetri.

Jane walks over to my closet, and picks out dark jeans, a red button-up shirt, and red converse. She hands them to me, and nods over to the bathroom. "If you're not ready in five minutes, I'm going to bust down the bathroom door too and drag you outside, regardless of what you're wearing." Jane demands. I nod, and quickly go in the bathroom.

In record time I have on my clothes, converse, and I happened to have done my hair. I walk to my room and find Felix, Demetri, and Jane sitting on my bed.

"Where are we going?" I ask the three.

"Well, first, you are having lunch. Then we're going to have fun!" Demetri answers.

Before I'm aware, Felix grabs me and throws me over his shoulder, running to the kitchen. Jane and Demetri follow, watching small me struggle with someone as huge as Felix.

"PUT ME DOWN, FELIX!" I laugh, squealing when he unceremoniously drops me into a chair at the breakfast bar. Jane pulls out a plate and silverware, Demetri gets food from the fridge, and Felix arranges a sandwich, placing it on my plate.

"You forgot fruit!" Jane scolds Felix as he puts the plate in front of me.

"And a drink!" Demetri yells, trying to put a drink down between Jane and Felix. Some of the liquid spills down the side, and he curses, handing me a napkin.

"Hey! What are you doing with the sandwich!?" Felix groans at Jane, who takes out the cheese of the sandwich.

"Idiot, it's still in the package," Jane mutters, pulling the yellow cheese out of the plastic cover. Felix mocks Jane, and she slaps Felix on his shoulder.

"Okay, here you go," Demetri pushes a plate and bowl in front of me, and the three vampires watch me as I look at the food.

I can tell they made me a ham and cheese sandwich with some fruit in a bowl and a glass of lemonade. They look at me with anxious eyes, and I take a bite of the sandwich.

"It's good," I reassure them, and Jane huffs, slapping Felix and Demetri.

"I told you Alec should've cooked something before he left," Demetri points at Felix, as if the whole lunch was his fault. Suddenly I wonder why Alec hasn't talked to me, other than when he saved my life. Was it because he wanted a thank you? Did he hate me? Wait, since when did I care if someone hated me?

Soon enough, I finish the lunch, and Demetri, Jane, and Felix escort me to a garage. DAMN! Every car that is valuable and fast sits in this house for cars, and I squeal a little.

"What am I driving today?" Demetri smirks.

"Excuse me, but I'm driving the Mustang today," Felix takes the keys off a rack, and smirks over at Demetri.

"You can't take Marcus's car!" Jane shrieks.

"Then we'll take mine," Demetri grabs a set of keys from the endless rack, and he walks over to a blue and white striped Camaro, and I gasp.

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