The Square Root Of You Is Me

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Authors note:
Um, so Ceanna is actually 15 now, btw. I wanted to bump up her age a little. Okay, carry on and enjoy, darlings.
"So, it's August. And you know what happens in August?" Liam asked me.

He has called a family meeting and we all sat on the couch in the living room while he talked.

"Oh! I know! We go on our London tour!" Niall yells, like a little kid in class.

"Yes, that too. But also, Ciana, you start school!" Liam exclaims.

"NOOO!" I scream and drop from the couch to the floor.

Dramatic, I know. But I desperately don't want to go to school.

"Ci, relax. It's a private school laced with the best teachers only. It has some of the smartest kids in this country. It's really expensive, too. You're going to stay in dorms on campus. And guess what? It's in London!" Liam explains.

"What?! That's even worse, Li! Please, please, pleaseeee don't make me go! I don't want to be surrounded by snobby, rich people who look down on those who are less fortunate. I'd rather go to a public school, right here." I beg.

"Sorry, love. No can do. You have to continue your education and who knows what will happen to you at a public school? It will get brutal." Liam says.

"Well, what about homeschooling?" I ask.

"We won't be home very much during our tour. I don't want you staying here by yourself while we're gone." Harry said.

"So, you're just going to ship me off to some school all the way in London? Away from my friends? How long am I supposed to stay there?" I ask.

"I'm sorry Ci. But you're going to be going there for the rest of your education years." Liam says sheepishly.

"What?! So I'm barely going to see you guys, and now my friends too?" I ask.

"Sorry. But we can visit you on visitation days. Which are Saturday and Sunday." He says.

"Can I drive off campus?"

"Not unless you're a junior or senior." He says.

Great. I'm a sophomore.

"When do I start school?" I sadly ask.

"In a week. So we better go school shopping, sis." Zayn said.

"I gotta go, um, make a phone call." I say and run back upstairs.

I walk into my room and gently close my doors. I slide down the door and let my tears flow that I've been holding in. My anxiety can get really bad. I can't be around people sometimes. Especially people I don't know.

That, mixed with the feeling of leaving behind my best friends. Lia. Jack. The boys leaving, so soon. Plus, Algebra was enough to make anyone cry.


"So, this is another piece of you?" Jack asks me.

We stood outside of Little Miss Sunshine Orphanage.

"Yeah. I only let certain people know about it. Feel special." I say and usher him to the door.

I turn the handle and walk in first. Everyone looks at me and runs up to me like we were old friends. Sike, nigga, Ya thought. They all group hug me and squeal about how we went wayy back and how they missed me. Fake much?

"Uh, hi. Everyone. Where is Ms.Johnson?" I ask.

"Oh she's in her office." I hear someone say.

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