Chapter Three: Tataille (Monster)

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A/N: Thank you Spark187 and JellyfishSong for reading!

Sylvie suddenly raised her head. "Your papa's coming," she hissed at Amorette. She got off the floor and Amorette could see that the younger girl's lips were redder. Cherry colored almost. That only made them more kissable. And the blood scent was stronger somehow. "Tomorrow night," Sylvie whispered. "It will have to be tomorrow night, we're gone after that."

Zella's eyes slowly opened and she smiled tiredly at Sylvie. "Stay," she said in her way that wasn't quite a demand.

Sylvie shook her head and Amorette was mesmerized by how it tossed her golden hair. "Find me, tomorrow night, Amorette."

"Where?" Amorette wondered. "Here?"

The little blonde girl had a strange smile on her face. "You'll know."

"How?" Zella asked but there was no answer because Sylvie was gone. Amorette didn't see her go, it was as if the girl had vanished into thin air. One second she was there. The next, she wasn't.

Amorette didn't have time to think about it though because just as Sylvie predicted, Pirou came stumbling into the playground. "What did I tell you about playing around?" he snarled, grabbing her by the hair. "We've got business!"

"Business" meant that he needed money again. Business that Zella had no idea Amorette was capable of. Speaking of Zella, she hadn't moved from the ground where Sylvie left her. Usually when Pirou showed up, she made sure she skedaddled but not this time. She still looked tired and seemed to have difficulty moving.

Zella had no "papa." She had parents but since they were fucked up most of the time, she was basically on her own and had to steal to eat. But Amorette would have gladly traded because at least Zella was free. As long as Pirou lived, Amorette would never be free and since she couldn't kill him she'd have to wait until someone else killed Pirou or he drank himself to death.

"Tell me when you find out where she'll be and we'll meet her there tomorrow night," Zella mumbled before passing out again.

Pirou's grip tightened on Amorette's hair. "Who?" he demanded. "Some slut opening her legs up for you? What did I tell you about giving the milk out for free?"

"Just... a friend," Amorette replied.

Pirou snorted. "That's why Zella is so hot to see her tomorrow. Again, who is this 'friend?'"

"She ran off when you got here so it doesn't matter!"

"I'll decide that," Pirou snapped. "What's her name?"

Figuring that Sylvie's Papa would beat up anyone who went near his filly, she told him. "Sylvie."

"Who does she work for?"

"Some guy named Ardoin," Amorette said, more than happy to provide the noose to hang Pirou with.

Pirou frowned. "Don't know no guy named Ardoin. He new in town?"

"Guess so."

"Maybe he's the fella I had to step over to get here," Pirou mused. "Dead as a fucking doornail."

Amorette sure hoped so. Then maybe Sylvie wouldn't leave and her "brother" Angelo could go work for someone else...

No, she didn't have that kind of luck. She just shrugged.

Pirou peered down at Zella, who was still knocked out and nudged her with his foot. "Hey! Girlie!"

Zella didn't move.

Pirou kicked her. Zella still didn't move.

Amorette glanced at Zella, noticed that her friend with benefits was kind of pale, her skin more gray than reddish brown. Her legs were still open only now they were splayed awkwardly on the ground. Dried blood was spattered down her left thigh. And she wasn't breathing.

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