Chapter One: Faire La Misere (Cause Trouble)

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Amorette knew Pirou Fontenot was her mother's pimp. though he was coy about admitting it. Dieu merci, he was not her daddy, biologically or otherwise. Any of her mother's "clients" would have knocked her up but since she died having Amorette, she wasn't around to ask and Pirou had been her guardian since. At first, he acted like her foster father, using the stipend checks he received for beer and card games, then once those stopped, he used Amorette as a way to pay off his rapidly rising debts, selling her young body for hundreds a pop.

Then when Amorette turned twelve, she developed those talents that guaranteed Pirou his ticket to easy street. Or would have if Pirou wasn't such a pathetic drunk.

Pirou affectionately called Amorette his "Jezebel" demon child because clearly, she was an agent of Satan. But that didn't stop him from fucking her every chance he had and beating her when she disobeyed him. One would think that Pirou would have fear of a demon but he had none. He had no reason to be afraid because Amorette couldn't get to him even if she wanted to.

For some reason, she could kill strangers and feel nothing but the ecstasy she experienced as she killed them. But along with being able to read minds, if she had a connection to them, Amorette felt what they felt. If she killed Pirou, she'd feel that death as if she was being killed. And Pirou used it to his advantage.

At least tonight Pirou hadn't raped her. He'd just smacked Amorette around like he always did. Never her face, no, Pirou would never mess up that pretty face, couldn't use her to seduce unsuspecting marks, then make them more... agreeable to whatever Pirou wanted them to do. Amorette not only had great beauty with her cafe au lait complexion, long black curly hair and mint green eyes, she had certain "gifts," that gave her the ability to make any man or woman fall for her. One touch, even if she just brushed against them, and Amorette could fill their minds with nothing but her. She could also read their minds as easily as reading a book, finding out their secrets, their fears, their motives.

Their credit card numbers.

Pirou knew of these talents and forced Amorette to use them all the time. But there was another talent that Pirou made Amorette use and that was how they survived. When Amorette had sex with men and women, she could drain them just as they were about to come, leaving a dead body with no obvious cause of death and easy money for Pirou.

But tonight, Amorette was on her own. After beating the shit out of Amorette, he fell into a drunken stupor. That was good because Pirou flew into rages every time Amorette dared to enjoy the pleasures of someone's body without his say so. And because Amorette enjoyed those pleasures quite often, she also was beaten quite often. Of course, healing from those beatings would be so easy, as she gained strength and energy whenever she drained someone. However, Amorette never drained her lovers. Just the people Pirou forced her to kill. It wasn't like she didn't have to every night anyway.

When Amorette was lost in that pleasure, she could forget that she was less than Pirou's whore. She could forget that if she didn't work her magic, they didn't eat or have anywhere to sleep. Not that Pirou didn't drink away everything they got as soon as the money was in his greedy hands.

Amorette hated the bastard. Hated him with a white hot burning loathing. But apparently, hate was enough of a connection to make him immune to her. And at barely 17, she really had nowhere else to go.

But she wasn't thinking of any of that now. The night before, Amorette had befriended the most beautiful girl she'd ever seen. Petite with golden hair and dark eyes, she had told Amorette that she could help her. Since the beauty was only about 13 at the most, Amorette highly doubted it. But she'd let the girl try to comfort her. Anything, if she could just kiss those red lips she'd been dreaming about since she first saw the girl last night.

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